These Are Your Best Winter Driving Tips
The fine people of Jalopnik have spoken, and we have listened. You've given us your very best tips for driving in winter weather, and we've responded by compiling a list of the very best ideas you've given us. Throw on those snow tires and get driving!
Actually, Tires Are Good (NoTimeToulouse)
The age old snow tires vs. no snow tires debate rages on. For my husband, at least, snow tires are an essential.
Practice Makes Perfect (Phil_L)
Some solid advice for all walks of life.
Take It Slow (Fight the machine)
Your inputs, that is. No sudden movements!
Offer A Helping Hand (ninjagin)
I'm really loving this last point. I don't necessarily know if I'm a believer in karma, but I will say that folks are always more willing to help you out of a tough spot if you've given them a hand in the past.
Reading The Road (factoryhack)
This is something I hadn't thought of before. Learn the look of road conditions and be on the lookout for them any time you hit the road.
Clear That Snow (Canthook)
Watching the weather and clearing the snow before it gets frozen to the windshield is that kind of common-sense advice that I can't imagine I never thought of before.
Stock Up On Snacks (Laurens)
I hope I'm never in the position where I need to rely on my car snacks for survival, but this is a good tip.
Assume The Worst (dolsh)
Honestly, I feel like I assume no one knows what they're doing any time I hit the road, let alone in the winter.
Move. (2002InfinitQ45nowIronicIoniq)
I mean... you've got a fair point.
Some other good advice, courtesy of my Canadian in-laws:
The more you're on the road, the more likely you are to get caught out by something
Invest in a windshield cover (or just deconstruct your Amazon delivery boxes and pop 'em on)
Cars accelerate a lot better than they brake
Practice losing control of your car in an empty parking lot so you know what it's like
Again: stop spending winters in Canada and go back to Texas for God's sake