These Are The Top Ten Cars Cheating Spouses Drive
It turns out that when it comes to cars, style has very little to do with cheating on your spouse. At least according to a completely unscientific survey released by adulterer website, the car most preferred by men who cheat is the beigest brand around — Toyota. But all you cheating guys should rest easy — women aren't any better. Their top brand? Honda. See if your car made the cut below.
The survey, which was not in any way scientific, was conducted of 3,600 users of the world's most popular website for adultery, The site says those responses were broken up into 2,520 men and 1,080 women in the United States.
Although most respondents trended more toward consumer appliances, USA Today's Chris Woodyard explains that at least demographics showed a bit more "class":
Showing a little bit of class — if class is possible when you're involved with a married person — women over 45 named Lexus as their top choice.
Well, if you're going to go beige, at least go for expensive beige, right?
The results help prove a point for the CEO of the website — that cheaters are regular people. They're Dick and Jane Smith. "Cars can represent a lifestyle, denote financial success and show personality but our survey clearly proves that people having affairs are everyday people," says Noel Biderman,'s CEO, in a statement.
Anyway, here's the full breakout — by gender:
1. Toyota (20.9%)
2. Ford (12.3%)
3. Chevy (10.2%)
4. Honda (7.1%)
5. BMW (6.4%)
6. Dodge (5.8)
7. Nissan (4.8%)
8. Jeep (4.8%)
9. GMC (3.2%)
10. Mercedes (2.9%)
1. Honda (22.3%)
2. Ford (13.4%)
3. Toyota (10.3%)
4. Chevy (7.3%)
5. Mercedes (6.6%)
6. Nissan (5.6%)
7. Chrysler (4.3%)
8. Dodge (4.2%)
9. BMW (3.9%)
10. Volkswagen (2.8%)
It is worth noting that BMW did break the top five for men — one of only two luxury brands to even make the top ten. Which again provides further ammunition for that most notable of stereotypes about BMW drivers. You know the one I'm talking about.