Last week we asked the audience the dumbest thing they’ve ever heard someone say about cars. Cars are complex machines that many of us have to interact with on a daily basis, so it’s unsurprising that there’s a lot of misunderstanding and straight up misinformation about them. Though often the dumbest things we hear folks say about cars come from the mouths of folks who don’t know much about cars, sometimes those of us who know more than the average bear still spout off with some egregiously incorrect statements from time to time.
You don’t really have to know much about cars to get a license and buy one, and the most that many folks do to their cars is fill them with gas every now and then. What goes on under the hood is a mystery to the uninitiated; many just know that you put gas in and start it up and it drives, and if it doesn’t start right up, you call roadside assistance. This thread isn’t going to help anyone understand cars any better, but it might give you tips on questions to avoid when talking about cars. If you don’t know something, it’s okay to admit that you don’t know it; lying makes things worse. These are the dumbest things that y’all have ever heard about cars, and my goodness y’all have heard some outrageous shit.