These Are The Best Cars With The Worst Drivers, According To You
These are good cars, they can't help who drives them.
Cars are generally good, we certainly love them here, but some real assholes can end up behind the wheel of a quality auto. It's not the car's fault that some people have more dollars than sense, but it inevitably hurts the brand when other drivers are constantly cut off by cars with a BMW badge.
These are some of the objectively good cars you've caught being piloted by jerks more often than not.
Subaru WRX STi
The WRX STi in its heyday was an amazing car. Today they're being driven by street-racing idiots who can't handle the power, have no concept of other people's safety, and invariably end up hitting something.
I'm sure everyone is going to jump on the Subaru Bros driving like they're the only car on the road, but have you ever tried to look at things from their point of view? (Their point of view being so obscured by vape clouds that they can't actually tell if there are any other cars on the road.)
From JohnnyWasASchoolBoy, TRath and others
All Supercars
All supercars. For the most part they are the domain of insecure, attention seeking asshats.
I live in the mountains and they have SuperCar rallies come through regularly. They will be rolling through a beautiful high altitude basin next to an elk heard and revving their unmuffled engines to try to force the disinterested locals to notice their desperate pleas for attention. Meanwhile they are spooking the herd.
They'd be having way more fun with 20% of the power. Those cars are asleep on public roads even at stupid speeds.
Great, your dad funded the startup you sold just before it crashed and you skated with a big chunk of the venture capital raised from his golfing buddies. Congratulations! Or is it just that you are the 42nd son of the 15th wife of some oil guy and you've done nothing? Your wrap is dope, bra.
From BiffMagnetude
Purple Is A Low-Hanging Fruit
Semi Low hanging fruit but: I mean these cars (I'll throw the Challenger in as well) are fun and the Charger isn't even stupid around the bends as well. 700hp for under 6 figures? in purple!? that's a recipe for love at first sight!...unfortunately, it's driven by young people, who by all rights should not be driving a vehicle with this power, who's pants sometimes sag, and drive around in circles at night, running people over.
From darthspartan117
The Future Is Driven By Assholes
Almost any electric car. Where I live, (almost) all the people who drive electric cars, drive them as if they were Prius' from the 90's. They take off so slow and miserly, then coast to the next light, all if some effort to be some kind of Hypermiling. They already have incredible efficiency and are stupid fast, why not enjoy it?
From HJTravels
Not A Charger — Not Interested
Shitheads behind the wheel of hot Japanese hatchbacks with that damn aftermarket boomy/buzzy muffler installed. (Course you can argue "great" cars here or not, but since my example is real world....)
It's amazing how consistent the traffic is here. Whatever the speed limit is plus 5mph, we are all chugging along making good time—latter day muscle cars, BOWs, EVs, trucks—we all pace each other. Then come the buzzy Japanese hatch jackasses trying their damnedest to fast&furious through traffic for no good reason...really grinds my gears. They're the worst—I catch up to them at the next stoplight—every time.
Porsche Cayenne
I'm not sure that the Porsche Cayenne qualifies as a "great" vehicle but it's certainly capable. But every other one in my area wears the battle scars of assorted parking garage scrapes and various other minor dents and marks. I guess mall crawling is the equivalent of off-roading for most of these drivers, so they keep the damage as proof of their adventurous Costco life?
From elgordo47
What Truly Great Cars Have The Worst Drivers?
...and the worst owners.
Answer: Ferrari.
Oldie But Still True
BMW drivers, they have yet to figure out what a turn signal is for, or what those lines in a parking lot designate.
From liffie420
Any Audi Sedan
Any Audi coupe or "coupe" sedan (A5, A7, e-Tron GT, etc.). Cool cars, but every time I see one, at least where I'm from, it is driven by some ass-hat that will tailgate you, whip around in traffic, and exhibit a general delusion of entitlement to drive as befits their priorities. It gets exponentially worse the darker the color on the body, wheels, and windows, and as as you move from S-Line to S and, god help you, RS trims.
It's a bit of a chicken-and-egg debate: Do you seek these out if you are a insufferable douche, or does ownership make you one?
From paradsecar
The Altima Bad Driver
Weird opinion here: Nissan Altimas (could throw in Sentras and Maximas too I guess) from the 2000's.
*ducks rotten fruit* WAIT WAIT HERE ME OUT:
While that is definitely stretching the definition of "truly great", these were actually good cars when they were new, and that we still notice them on the road today is a testament to that. Even if it's mostly for being driven by lunatics, it just kind lines up that the worst driven cars on the road are the cheapest effective transportation you can find.
I'm reminded of a line Regular Car Reviews used for the Dodge Avenger that sort of applies to these as well: "The car for people who... have just about had it with cars."
From Mosko
Another Nissan
I was going to say drivers of the OG Viper based on how many asshats wreck them by trying to show off, but those are dwindling for that very reason, so now I present:
The GT-R
It was at one time rather affordable and is pretty easy to drive. This enables a lot of really bad drivers to drive these things around.
From Tim the KNinja
Prius, Please
For what it represented as the standard of efficiency and hybrid technology, the Prius can be considered a great car. It is also driven almost exclusively by people who do not understand the concept of a freeway onramp. There is no need to merge into traffic doing 80mph going 40. Bonus points when they move 3 lanes to the left to hog the left lane going 60.
Every time I pass these people they seem to have the same expression on their face, constipated.
From patrick gibala
All Of The Ferraris
Seems to pretty consistently be Ferrari. They've got all the branded gear, they're part of the owner's club, they never drive it hard. Worst of all, they take is SO seriously.
Lambo owners generally have a sense of humor, or at the very least, unknowingly create humor.
Ferrari. Easily. Ferrari drivers are SO, SO, SO bad that certain track day specific insurance companies have stopped issuing coverage to anything Ferrari being taken to the track. Most likely because Ferraris crash a lot and it costs the insurance companies a lot of money for repairs and/or payouts. It doesn't even end there. Certain track day organizations have outright refused to let Ferraris register on certain track day events(not all, but some) because Ferrari cars and owners will inevitably crash.
It's not the end of the world though. A whole bunch of Ferrari owners can get together and pool their massive wealth to rent a track for the day and keep the destruction derby within the family.
Ram It
43.5 DUIs per 1000 drivers.
From OutForARip
The Real Bad BMW Drivers
Generally speaking if you see a BMW badge, you know that the driver is a Bad Mannered Wanker.
An X badge is an upgrade to an Entitled Bad Mannered Wanker.
An M badge is a further upgrade to an Narcissistic Entitled Bad Mannered Wanker.
Without exception, every BMW driver already drives like they openly do not care about where anyone else is, but a BMW X5 M driver is that kind of specialness, you would run you off the road and then take you to court over it.
From Rollo75