These Are The Best Car Shows You Can Watch Right Now

I don't really watch too many car shows now. That's not to say I don't watch them at all. But some of them try too hard to be more about entertainment and less about cars. Especially a lot of the YouTube channels. They can border on cringe. One show I have always enjoyed though was MotorWeek. Especially the classic episodes. You can't get any better than John Davis and his weird obsession with a comprehensive set of gauges. Harry's Garage gets an honorable mention from me too.

We asked readers what they thought were the best automotive shows on right now. Here's what they said.

Welcome back to Answers of the Day, our daily Jalopnik feature where we take the best 10 responses from the previous Question of the Day and shine it up to show off. It's by you and for you, Jalopnik readers. Enjoy!


I'm surprised nobody had mentioned the Hagerty YouTube channel. Absolutely killer production value, and some of my favorite presenters. Sam Smith, Matt Farah, Jason Cammisa, etc.

Suggested by: Andrew Fails


I'm a Donut fan. I dig the cast personalities and the information provided. I'm also a big mighty car mods fan, but I'll admit I like their travel features more than the regular stuff. I still watch their ongoing projects.

Suggested by: Ali Alattar (Facebook)

Mighty Car Mods

This is really, really easy. Mighty Car Mods.

Suggested by: DeWayneV8

Iron Resurrection

"Iron Resurrection" is my favorite build show (even if they don't know what a Split Bumper* Camaro is). *A '70-'72 (and '72 build date '73) Camaro RS (including RS / SS and RS / Z/28 Camaros) with an Endura (rubber) grill surround and parking lights between the grill and headlights. Hot Rod Garage, Junkyard Gold and Roadkill are really good, too.

Suggested by: Scott Sanford (Facebook)

Victory By Design

It's an older one, but you can find many of the 'Victory by Design' episodes on Youtube (and elsewhere, for money). Probably one of my favorite 'car shows' of all time – you've got deep history, accessible engineering talk, and cars actually being driven by a former racer Alain De Cadenet.

Suggested by: TheWalrus

Drive To Survive

Drive To Survive on Netflix has amazing production values.

Suggested by: @DrTFleming (Twitter)

Chris Harris On Cars

Old Chris Harris stuff from EVO and prior are fantastic. And wherever he posts the "Chris Harris on Cars" series. It's actual automotive journalism, shot beautifully. Not really entertainment programming.

Suggested by: FutureHeelToeHistorian


Roadkill by far. Junkyard gold is pretty good too.

Suggested by: Trevon Spencer (Facebook)

Graveyard Carz

Unpopular opinion: Graveyard Cars. It scratches my fastidious attention to detail itch, despite my not really caring about old Mopars. But most importantly, despite the crappy cartoon interludes and distracting other junk they throw in there for TV, my wife likes it too.

Suggested by: OldManMcKenna


The Hoonigan content the last 12 months has been fire.

Suggested by: @thatdudepasha (Twitter)

George Karellas/Soup

I have to mention Soup. Discovered it through Jalopnik, even though George Karellas is a compatriot of mine. I'm a patron of his show so it would be remiss of me not to bring it up, and hopefully get him more!

Suggested by: Mojonaut

Chasing Classic Cars

I'm a nerd for the old stuff so it doesn't get much better than Wayne Carini's Chasing Classic Cars.

Suggested by: Steve Rothaug (Facebook)

