The Winner Of Our DeLorean Forza 4 Wrap Contest Is...

We asked our readers to design a wrap for the DeLorean Motor Company's new supercharged Stage III car in Forza 4 and more than 75 of you answered the call with a stunning array of wraps that range from brilliantly colorful to deeply disturbing.

Details about the winning artist and the design DMC is going to turn into a real car, as well as a gallery of all of the entrants, below the jump.

The winning entrant up top was created by 34-year-old Brian Bjerk of Hartford, Wisconsin, who managed to combine the car's original aesthetic with a strong mix of colors and textures to create a look that's evocative but not displeasingly retro. You can see another angle here.

Asked to define his style, Bjerk said he prefers "simple" and "old school" over "flashier" designs.

We're currently working with Bjerk, DMC, and the company doing the wrap to fully realize his vision for the car. For instance, we're going to extend the wrap to the front bumper (something Bjerk envisioned but wasn't able to do in the game). The wrapper is also going to use a mixture of matte and brilliant materials to fully bring out the design.

We'll have pictures for you of the new vehicle as soon as they're available.

A big thanks to the DeLorean Motor Company for making this happen and to all of those who entered. We went back-and-forth about a few of the designs and were blown away that so many of you were able to create such detailed looks in such a short period of time. Especially the alien-themed DeLorean, which will certainly haunt our dreams for weeks to come.

Because you've all worked so hard we've put the images in this massive gallery so everyone else can appreciate what you've designed. If you don't see your image here it's either because you were disqualified for some reason, you didn't attach an image (happened multiple times), or your image didn't work for some reason.

Feel free to still upload it in the comments thread if that happened to you.

More info on the car, how it drives, and where you can see it soon.

FULL DISCLOSURE: Jalopnik had an editorial tie-up with Turn 10 Studios on Forza Motorsport 3, this game's predecessor, on two DLC packs for the game. We are working on a similar tie-up on Forza Motorsport 4. Although no money has exchanged hands in this relationship, because it might be something you feel could affect our judgment and clarity in covering this game, we felt the transparency was important.

