The Ten Most Unrealistic Scenes From The Fast & Furious Franchise
None of the movies in the Fast and Furious franchise make any concessions to reality, and that's what makes them so great. These are their ten most absurdly unrealistic scenes.
10.) That’s One Tall-Ass Reverse Gear
Which Movie? 2 Fast 2 Furious
Looks like the producers of this one added the de rigueur shot of NOS and the longest reverse gear ever fitted to a car. And don't get me started on the heavily-winged purple Eclipse Spyder.
Suggested By: Dolemite
9.) Landing On A Yacht
Which Movie? 2 Fast 2 Furious
How did Brian know that there'd be a ramp he could hit and the Yacht would be in the perfect spot for him to land on it? I don't know, but I'm entertained regardless.
Suggested By: Maté Petrány
8.) How To Steal A Road Train, The Easy Way
Which Movie? Fast & Furious 4
If you're going to steal a road train you could just follow the guy until he stops for a break, but that could take hours and who has time for that? This is the much more sensible solution.
Suggested By: Andy Sheehan, StreetsideStig
7.) Two Minute 1/4 Mile
Which Movie? The Fast And The Furious
This is one of the most iconic scenes from the whole franchise, but doesn't it just seem a little bit long for a 1/4 mile? Also each car has at least 7 gears, Brian is dicking around with his laptop while he drives, the laptop says "danger to manifold" before the floor pan falls off, and I could go on for a while.
Suggested By: clutchshiftington
6.) Street Racers, Watch Out For Cops With Electromagnets
Which Movie? 2 Fast 2 Furious
What sort of dystopic future does 2 Fast take place in where cops in helicopters have electromagnetic harpoons that can kill a cars motor? Not a future I want to live in.
Suggested By: Raphael Orlove
5.) Jumping Between Two Buildings
Which Movie? Furious 7
When we saw Toretto driving a Lykan Hypsersport between two buildings in the Super Bowl spot for the latest film, we knew it'd be good. It was.
Suggested By: live2skico2
4.) The Bus Heist
Which Movie? Fast Five
In which an old Charger suddenly becomes a rock, causing the bus to flip over it, rolling multiple times but somehow without any fatalities. Sure, why not?
Suggested By: Ralphie60
3.) Pulling A Bank Vault With Two Chargers
Which Movie? Fast Five
This is how you rob a bank, Fast and Furious style. This scene is so realistic, I'm surprised it didn't inspire any copycat crimes.
Suggested By: something-clever-here
2.) Saving Letty
Which Movie? Fast & Furious 6
This is how you make a grand romantic gesture, Fast and Furious style. Amazing how Torretto and Letty walked away from this one with no injuries whatsoever!
Suggested By: Toni Bancae
1.) The Runway Scene
Which Movie? Fast & Furious 6
The makers of these movies have no time for continuity, in fact, they don't even know what continuity means. Who cares that runway would have been 18.5 miles, given the length of this scene?
Are you not entertained?
Suggested By: primalzer
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Top Photo Credit: Universal via YouTube