The Ten Hardest Cars To Work On

Get your hydraulic lifts ready and prepare to drop some engines: these are the hardest cars to service you'll ever come across.

10.) Dodge Stratus

Even changing the battery is a nightmare. Since it's hidden behind the bumper on the driver's side, you have to follow these steps to change it:

Jack up car, remove driver side front wheel, remover inner fender skirt, and unbolt battery & cables.


My wife called this one without even having seen this post. She didn't do this job herself, but baked cookies for the guy who did. She knows now that he was grossly underpaid.

Suggested By: DMCVegas, Photo Credit: Diego336

9.) AMC Pacer

The car was designed to have a small rotary engine. Guess what? It ended up with a big straight six and then an even bigger V8 instead. No space for errors, or anything. Jonee:

AMC Pacers can be a pain in the ass. Take an engine compartment designed for a rotary, shoehorn a straight 6 in there and add a shitload of smog equipment and kiss your knuckle skin goodbye. The worst is the 2 spark plugs hidden in the firewall.

Suggested By: Jonee, Photo Credit: DVS1mn

8.) LT1 Camaro

It's a V6 engine bay with a V8 inappropriately stuffed in there, says daender. Chairman Kaga agrees:

"Hey, want to help me change the plugs in my Camaro," my neighbor said one morning. "Beer and pizza in exchange for a hand."

Worst mistake of my life. I still don't have any sensation in my left index finger.

Suggested By: Chairman Kaga, Photo Credit: aresauburn™

7.) Porsche 991

It's pretty much rear-mid-engined, which means you're doomed.

Suggested By: Diesel, Photo Credit: Albargan

6.) Toyota Celica Alltrac

We forgive, because rally car. feather-throttle-not-hair:

I always used to think "Phenominal cosmic power!!!!......itty bitty living space" every time I popped the hood.

I remember at one point struggling with two mechanics as the three of us tried or to manhandle the transmission away from the engine after dropping the whole mess out the bottom of my car. They were unbolted from each other but still stuck and both had to be suspended from their own engine hoist because the transmission was so damn heavy. But hey eventually I was able to replace the clutch.

Suggested By: feather-throttle-not-hair,, Photo Credit: Grant.C

5.) Ford F-250

If you want to do almost anything serious on your truck, you have to start be removing the entire cab from the frame. Yep. That's step one.

Suggested By: IDROVEAPICKUPTRUCK, Photo Credit: DiamondBack Truck Covers

4.) Audi Allroad

If your newish VAG car has a V6, prepare yourself, because the front will have to come off for everything. twelvehappymen:

Any Audi/VW V6 from the B5 on is an absolute horror show to work on. At least with the all-road you get the pleasure of moar powar.

I think they call it the "service position" because if you take it to the dealer to have them do the work, they're going to bend you over. After 12 VWs, my wife's B5 Passat was the last VAG product I will own. I love driving Audis/VWs, but holy hell when they break they have become an absolute nightmare. In spite of their reputation, EVERYTHING is easier on a BMW, at least the ones I've worked on up to the mid-2000's...

Suggested By: zacarious, Photo Credit: seeareelem

3.) Jaguar XJS V12

Do you have your own mechanic on call? You better!

Suggested By: burglar can't heart click anything, Photo Credit: helena.40proof

2.) Aston Martin Lagonda

'80s electronics hand built in Britain? By the time you find this, you'll be taking some serious drugs following the doctor's orders.

Suggested By: SennaMP4, Photo Credit: vetaturfumare

1.) Mercedes-Benz 600 Grosser

You're not even supposed to work on them. These cars were meant for dictators. That was suitable, since the car can physically torture you. willkinton247:

Everything is hydraulically operated, from the sunroof to the windows to the suspension to the reclining rear seats is incredibly difficult to work on. The mineral oil it runs on is pressurized to 3200 psi. If a line breaks, the fluid can cut into you like a knife.

If you put the wrong fluid in, the entire system will leak like a sieve. If you try to close the hydraulically operated trunk with your hands, you'll break it.

Repair bills are astronomical. You can easily hit 5 digits and keep going.

Suggested By: willkinton247, Photo Credit: zhul

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Top Photo Credit: Porsche

