A cross-country drive is an amazing way to see the country, but can be quite taxing on your car. Here's how to get you and your vehicle ready.
10.) Get A Dash Cam
Out on the open road you never know what you might want or need to see later so a decent dash cam is a must. It doesn't need to be something fancy like a GoPro–our guy Jason recommends this affordable alternative.
Suggested By: Loping Camshaft, Photo Credit: Andreas Kambanis
9.) Have A Good Co-Pilot
Our friend Michael Pritchinello over at Classic Car Club Manhattan recommends bringing a good co-pilot to share the driving responsibility, and keep you entertained while on the road. Plus someone's gotta help you when you're broken down on the side of the road in your vintage Jag.
Suggested By: Michael Pritchinello, Photo Credit: Jaguar MENA
8.) Have A Way To Fix A Tire
The last thing you want on a cross-country drive is to be stuck on the side of the highway with a flat tire and no spare because you needed the room to pack all your stuff. Bring tire plugs and tire goo to help out in a pinch.
Suggested By: Michael Pritchinello, Photo Credit: Jonathan Potter
7.) Bring A Compass
No, I don't mean you should drive a Jeep Compass, but you should bring a real old-school compass. It always seems that you only get lost when you don't have cell service.
Suggested By: MrTheEngineerCannotIno30charac, Photo Credit: Matt Biddulph
6.) Bring A Paper Map
While your TomTom/iPhone/whatever else you use for a navigation system is great, an actual map will help you out when you're lost and without signal on your fancy GPS. Pairs well with a compass.
Suggested By: MrTheEngineerCannotIno30charac, Photo Credit: Bradley Gordon
5.) Bring A Tool Kit
You'll want a tool kit when you're on the side of the highway on the middle of the night and you don't want to wait hours for a tow. Some older sports/luxury cars came with them, but always make sure you have at least a few basic tools with you.
Suggested By: reverberocket is nipping the apex..and gently blowing in its ear, Photo Credit: Dvortygirl
4.) Have Spare Parts Specific To Your Car
If you drive something quirky or rare, carrying spare parts specific to your car is necessary for quick repairs.
Suggested By: 365Daytonafan, Photo Credit: Nick Ares
3.) Make Sure You Have Roadside Assistance
Tool kits, spare parts, and co-drivers who can wrench are great, but sometimes you simply won't be able to get your stalled car off the side of the road. Make sure you have AAA or some sort of roadside assistance offered by the manufacturer to keep you out of harm's way.
Suggested By: KusabiSensei thinks he can teach an old Range Rover new tricks, Photo Credit: Reinis Traidas
2.) Check Your Fluids In Advance
I cannot stress enough how important it is to check your cars fluids before you set off. Make sure you check your oil, lubricants, A/C, etc.
Suggested By: Chairman Kaga, Photo Credit: Dvortygirl
1.) Make Sure Your Car Isn't A Source Of Stress
A cross-country drive is stressful in and of itself. If you take the time to make sure your car isn't an additional source of worry, I can guarantee you'll have a much better time.
Suggested By: Patrick Frawley, Photo Credit: Alan Bruce
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Top Photo Credit: Adam Singer