The Ten Best Smartphone Car Games

Way too much free time? Bored at work? Well, your smartphone is more powerful than your PC used to be not that long ago, so what are you waiting for?

These are the ten best smartphone car games out there to kill some time with:

10.) Reckless Getaway

Fun for the whole family!

Reckless Getaway. Not a sim. Arcade style. Smash cops and other traffic. Fun for me and my son!

Download it here for Android, or here for iOS.

Suggested By: JamesE

9.) Crazy Taxi

It's likely to crash at some point, but at least this time, it doesn't take all your change like back in the arcade days.

Download it here for iOS.

Suggested By: Rosetto Viacava

8.) Beach Buggy Blitz

Would you like to drive on lava? Beach Buggy Blizt is your game! Here comes an honest testimony from valsidalv:

I've recently gotten hooked on Beach Buggy Blitz. It's a fun arcade racer. You get to buzz around on an island and there are different stages (snowy, volcano, jungle, island) which would make this island very big in theory...

It's also free! You can pay to buy coins which you can use to upgrade your vehicle and get powerups. I like this model of revenue generation for games. And there are some super cool water effects if you are running it on a Tegra (Android) device. Another +1 is that you can choose between tilt and touch controls.

Download it here for Android, or here for iOS.

Suggested By: valsidalv

7.) Grand Prix Story

This one is for Christian Horner:

Everybody makes a game where you race cars. Not many make games where you run a racing team. Even fewer make games where you run a racing team that are this fun and addictive.

Curse you, Kairosoft!

Download it here for Android, or here for iOS.

Suggested By: PanchoVilleneuve: Model Citizen, Zero Discipline

6.) Drag Racing

Your phone doesn't have the latest tech inside? No worries, Joe_Limon helps:

It brings back good memories of drag race v3 from my younger years. Also, you don't need a kickass phone to play it.

Download it here for Android.

Suggested By: Joe_Limon

5.) Offroad Legends

We think you will love it:

If you like this type check out Offroad Legends. Cool game awesome graphics and ridiculous off road vehicles. I think you'll love it.

Download it here for Android, or here for iOS.

Suggested By: MontegoMan562

4.) Sports Car Challenge

The bad part? You can only drive VW products.

The good part? It works brilliantly:

Everyone says Real Racing but I vote 'Sports Car Challenge'. The game was made by VW so it features Lamborghini, Audi, VW, Porsche, and Bentley. The physics are far better than Real Racing IMO. There isn't a career mode and only a few tracks but you can choose from factory options and colors for the cars, which is nice.

Download it here for Android, or here for iOS.

Suggested By: twinturbobmw N54 Twin Power Turbo FTW

3.) Colin McRae Rally

According to MarquetteLa, winning a championship has never been easier...

I have this game and I am thoroughly impressed by it. The touch controls are surprisingly good (I've only ever screwed up because of the controls once or twice). I wish the difficulty ramped up faster, though — the first two championships are a total walk in the park.

Download it here for iOS.

Suggested By: Gamecat235

2.) Carmageddon

Some games shall never die. Unlike those poor pedestrians.

Download it here for Android, or here for iOS.

Suggested By: DanDaMan1979

1.) Real Racing

Most of you agree with Gamecat235, who likes to play with his iPhone:

Real Racing (nice graphics and awesome cars) for iOS is also pretty cool.

ddavidn confirms that the Android version is just as good:

I play this all the time. I don't claim to be any good at it, but it's nice to get my racing fix on breaks at work. Plus it has a nice selection of cars for me to collect. (I play on Android).

Download it here for iOS, or here for Android.

Suggested By: Gamecat235

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Top Photo Credit: Real Racing 3

