The Ten Best Routes For Driving Across America

Summer is nearly here, so it's time you start planning your cross country trips. These ten routes are great places to start.

10.) U.S. 50

Though the Nevada section of the road is notoriously boring, this is one of the most classic ways to see the country. The New York Times travelled this route back in 2010 in a '58 Cadillac, and it's well worth a read.

Suggested By: $caykog/Grolar, Photo Credit: David Herrera

9.) U.S. 83

Who said cross country had to mean east to west? Let reader ColoradoFX4 explain why you might want to take this route north to south:

"If you want to go north-south along one route that maintains a rural feel for its entirety, then you gotta go US 83: The Road to Nowhere. No 4-lane interstate, no metropolitan areas, just miles and miles of rolling grasslands and expanses of wide open country. It's an 1,885-mile embrace of flyover country from Canada to Mexico."

Suggested By: ColoradoFX4, Photo Credit: Nick Nolte

8.) Jefferson Highway

If you want a route of high contrast, try the Jefferson Highway. Its nickname is the "Pine to Palm Highway" because of the types of trees you'll see along the way. That tells you what you need to know.

Suggested By: TwinTurbosOfJustice, Photo Credit: U.S. Department Of Transportaiton

7.) U.S. Route 6

Reader Mister can explain why U.S. 6 might just be the one to take:

"If you're talking a single route, then for my money, it's US 6. You get to see pretty much everything this country has to offer along US 6, which goes from Provincetown at the tip of Cape Cod all the way to Inyo County. Stunning scenery in Utah and Colorado, the tranquil plains of Nebraska and Iowa, urban landscapes of Chicago and Cleveland. A little bit of everything."

Suggested By: 472CID/Mister, Photo Credit: Robert J. Boser

6.) Lincoln Highway

If for no other reason, take the Lincoln Highway because it was the first transcontinental highway in the U.S., opened in 1913. You'll start in Times Square and you'll traverse well over 3,000 miles until you hit San Francisco.

Suggested By: Stig-a-saw-us-wrecks, Photo Credit: Public Domain

5.) The Route That Hits Every Tourist Spot

If you have way too much time on your hands and an uncontrollable desire to see nearly every tourist spot in the country, here's your route.

This guy used science to compute the specific route (and you can read about his methods here) and the route would take realistically 2-3 months to complete.

Suggested By: toomuchcommuting, Photo Credit: Google Maps

4.) California State Route 1 (Vancouver to San Diego)

If you take this route at the wrong time you will be stuck behind tourists driving at the approximate speed of dripping molasses, but go at the right time and it's sublime.

The views on the Pacific Coast Highway are to die for.

Suggested By: Mike Villa, Photo Credit: Michael Gray

3.) The “Avoid Highways” Route

Here's a fun choose-you're-own-adventure approach to crossing the country. Go to Google Maps punch in where you're starting and where you're ending, check "Avoid Highways" and there you go.

Suggested By: Gamecat235, Photo Credit: Google Maps

2.) The Route You Don’t Plan

Mike Prichinello, of Classic Car Club Manhattan fame, thinks the best road trip route is one you don't plan. Just have a general idea of where you're going and be spontaneous.

Suggested By: Michael Prichinello, Photo Credit: davebloggs007

1.) The Trans America Trail

Who needs asphalt to cross the country? The Trans America Trail lets you cross the country on dirt as long as you have a motorcycle or a small 4x4.

Is there anything more badass than going cross country on dirt and rocks?

Suggested By: nermal, Photo Credit: Land Rover MENA

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Top Photo Credit: Porsche

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