The Ten Best Cars Never Featured In A Video Game
You would think that every car ever made has been in some kind of video game, but Jalopnik readers found ten amazing cars that have never been digitized.
Welcome back to Answers of the Day — our daily Jalopnik feature where we take the best ten responses from the previous day's Question of the Day and shine it up to show off. It's by you and for you, the Jalopnik readers. Enjoy!
The real winner of this test is the Internet Games Car Database. It has every car that has ever been featured in any game ever.
Did you know that the Bill Thomas Cheetah was in Retro City Rampage, or that the Local Motors Rally Fighter was in ThunderWheels? Now you do. Go bookmark this site right now.
If you can find that your favorite car has never been in any video game ever and we didn't feature it on this list, let us know in Kinja below.
Photo Credit: HTT
10.) McLaren P1
9.) Subaru Leone Turbo Coupe
There are roughly eight trillion Imprezas in video games, but no super-cool boxy Leone coupes. What gives?
Suggested By: Hoccy, Photo Credit: SoulRider.222
8.) BMW E21 320i Group 5
Give us one in Jaegermeister livery and we will be happy. No number of M1s or CSL batwings will suffice.
Suggested By: LFCRTK, Photo Credit: BMW
7.) HTT Pléthore
There just aren't enough center-seat Canadian supercars you can drive in the virtual world.
Suggested By: Ravey Mayvey Slurpee Surprise, Photo Credit: HTT
6.) Lotec C1000
Amazingly, there has only been one Lotec ever digitized and it wasn't the 1,000 horsepower, 268 mph C1000. We know where you can get one to digitize.
Suggested By: Scorpio GTX1, Photo Credit: Lotec
5.) The Original Batmobile
Nearly every version of the Batmobile has been in a video game, except for the George Barris original. We know one guy who definitely wants to see it digitized.
4.) Ferrari 250 Breadvan
Again, there are plenty of Ferrari 250 GTOs, but not the greatest pseudo-GTO of all, the Drogo-bodied 250 SWB Breadvan. We'd guess it's because Ferrari probably wants you to forget the car exists.
Suggested By: esiedlecki, Photo Credit: PSParrot
3.) Mega Track
It's the ultimate off-road supercar! This needs to be in the next Forza Horizon rally pack.
Suggested By: Pan Galactic, Photo Credit: Mega
2.) Tyrrell P34 six-wheeler
We assume that video game designers haven't been able to model the physics of two front wheels. This is because they're lazy. Give us the six-wheeled F1 car!
Suggested By: alsoSprachAlSO, Photo Credit: Russell Whitworth
1.) Porsche 917/30
You would think that the most powerful, unhinged sports racing car of all time would have been turned into a video game car, so that you could drive it without killing yourself, but you would be wrong.
We'd bet that video game designers are too scared to get behind the wheel to do physics modeling tests.
Suggested By: ringrat, Photo Credit: Pawel Litwinski/Gooding & Company