For the people here at Jalopnik—writers and readers alike—driving is, to put it simply, awesome. But it wasn’t always that way. We had to learn a hell of a lot to get there first. And last week, we asked y’all about those terrifying drives you had when you were just learning the skills you know now.
I don’t envy you, Jalopnik readers. You’ve had some experiences that would have put me right off driving for good. We’ve put together a list of some of the roughest, because who doesn’t love a good bit of schadenfreude?
Wheel-Spinning Nissan (William Byrd)
Yep, that would have been it. I’d have tapped out. I never would have driven a car again.
You Spin Me Right Round (The Devil Drives a Mustang (Rotary Pending))
How you ever lived those stories down, I’ll never know.
Welcome to America, Here’s Your Near-Death Experience (VadGTI)
Meeting God (Umoja)
“God was none other than Red Forman calling me ‘Dumbass.’” Please, someone put that on a t-shirt.
Dirty Little Secret (achosid)
I’m glad you both made it out of that one unscathed!
Opportunity of a Lifetime (Rusty Starship)
This is still me every time I drive my mom’s Armada.
Like A Chump (KillerBee)
My heart goes out to the breakfast that was never eaten.
A Real Code Brown (My Cat’s Breath)
Step one of driving: remember where the brakes are.
Learning the Hard Way (NegativeEd)
Bless you for not being a weenie (like me) and continuing on with your lesson.
Put It In H! (Veblen Bad)
How in god’s name were you comfortable going off-roading the day after you got your license?
Brake-less (Clay_T)
You handled that like a champ.