The Most Beautiful Planes At EAA AirVenture 2014
Without a doubt, there's no other place quite like EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh, Wisconsin with such a wide variety of planes — from experimental to vintage, and warbird to glider. Like you'd see at any car show, each plane is polished and looking her best. Here are some of the best-looking planes I've seen this week.
1946 Beech D18S – registered N412K
Icon A5. This is ESN-1, the first Icon A5 built at production specs.
An experimental plane called a Buchthal Robert SS2, built in 1999.
The Aeroshell T6 Texans haven been performing at Oshkosh for 30 years.
The first production HondaJet
Are P-51 Mustangs not the sexiest planes ever? I overheard a guy saying there are still about 160 in flying condition, which is pretty remarkable, considering they're all around 70 years old.
DC-3s / C47s are also beautiful. AirVenture has a whole field dedicated just to vintage warbirds. I could spend all day here!
NX757K — A T28C Trojan
A 1939 Spartan Executive 7W, registered N17634
AirVenture's night air show is incredible! I'll do a separate post just for that, but I wanted to give you a sneak peak. I could do a week's worth of posts of just plane pics from here, but I'll save more for another time.
Top image — 1940 North American P64 – S/N 68-3061
All photos are by Paul Thompson.