The Lamborghini Miura SV Destroyed By Fire Will Live To Drive Again

This is a 1972 Lamborghini Miura SV with a built-in fire extinguisher under the lucky passenger's legs, as it should be with every Italian supercar. But not all SVs have the last line of defense.

As you might remember, one of the 150 Miura SVs ever made burned to the ground recently in central London. This is how it went down (careful, it's terrible):

According to an exotic dealer I met, the problem was that while that car came with a fire extinguisher as well, the owner decided to remove it for some reason. This decision led to the complete destruction of the car. But Miuras are worth millions nowadays, and the fact that the wreck still has its original numbers means that they will make it come back to life.

That puts a massive question mark in the air. Since most of the car has melted away and I'm sure there aren't too many Miura parts laying around in the shops, important bits will have to be remade from scratch. That will give us a Lamborghini Miura SV that doesn't have much to do with the factory in Sant'Agata Bolognese anymore.

Still, at least this time they might remember to build in the most important accessory.

Photo credit: Máté Petrány

