• Yeah, it may seem like it's all about Paris, but we hear there's still stuff happening stateside...ok, maybe it's stuff happening here that's happening to folks stateside because you know, all the auto journos are reporting on it from here. And we all know nothing happens in the automotive industry without the pundits and members of the automotive press. Right?
• GM says Renault-Nissan's being unfair. Renault-Nissan's response should have just been "nuh-uh. " Then GM could have said "uh-huh," and then...we'd have a thing. [Freep]
• But wait, what's Bob Lutz got to say about this whole threesome taking place? (Ed. note — Ray Wert III contributed to this report too. Also from Paris. That is all.) [NYT]
• While GM's whining, a French and Japanese automaker turns his lonely eyes to Ford, a woo-hoo-hoo. Coo-coo-ca-choo, Mr. Wagoner. [NYT]
• St. Chevy hospital — WTF? [Detroit News]
• Wait, so York wanted to have Ghosn replace Rick Wagoner back in May? Really? We'd never have guessed. This is all turning into one weird soap opera. [Freep]