The Jalopnik Morning Shift

  • Haven't we always said that Alabama legislators are childish and petty when it comes to their parking spots? Well check out this guy, cause he's really a douche. [AP]

  • China's top car race occurs in a 200,000 seat venue. Only 2,000 seats were filled. Best line of the story: "'I regret buying a ticket to come'...said one car sports fan surnamed Wang." And really that's the difference, here in the USA we have Wangs who drive cars. In China, Wangs watch the cars. [People's Daily Online]

  • And speaking of extreme sports, the conservative coalition is crying foul on Ford for backing off on its pledge to stop advertising to the not-straight. [Detroit News]

  • Only in Europe would it be cheaper to rent a car than to use your Eurailpass. [Tripso]

  • Sony is all about giving head units to cars. This one is really big, with 1 GB of memory. Nice try but I still don't think Apple is shaking in their boots. [Smarthouse]

  • Most. Obvious Headline. Ever. — "Driver ticked off over ticket." [WTNH]

  • Buy a house, get a free car. Works for me. [Detroit News]

  • Yesterday we were all about the extreme sport of collecting license plates , well, we have one more encore. It looks like Michigan's "Big Blue" license may be getting a facelift. [Freep]

