The i3 Is BMW's Most Important Car In Decades
Welcome to Must Read, where we single out the best stories from around the automotive universe and beyond. Today we have reports from The Truth About Cars, Motoramic, and Mercury News.
The story behind Joe Colla's famous 1976 highway stunt — Mercury News
It's probably the most famous highway stunt of all time. Here's how it went down.
Thirty-seven years later, it remains one of the most famous stunts in San Jose history. Atop an unfinished interchange at Highways 101-280-680, roughly 110 feet above ground, then-Councilman Joe Colla stood next to an old Chevy, his arms outstretched. "Where do we go from here?” the caption read.
Hammer Time: And The Economics Of Car Ownership — The Truth About Cars
Interesting economic breakdown from our friends at TTAC.
One thousand, nine hundred, and fifty two dollars.
That is how much the average Georgian is supposed to pay in tax, title, and registration fees every year according to
When I read that factoid, my eyebrows almost flew off my head. The amount had no cents, and the statement made no sense because I happen to be the guy who collects the taxes from my customers and sends them to the state. Only a $28,000+ car purchase every single year would make this possible, and Georgia is a notoriously poor state. Out of a population of nearly 10 million, our state registered fewer than 300,000 new vehicle sales in 2012.
2014 BMW i3, the electric revolution arrives: Motoramic Drives — Motoramic
The BMW i3 is a totally new paradigm for BMW and the auto industry as a whole. It's BMW's most important car in decades. And now we get to find out how it drives.
A rotund glasses-wearing man, proudly employed by the new i division of BMW, stood on a platform in front of a large photograph of some indeterminate European skyline. He looked quite self-satisfied, if a little nervous. For 15 minutes, he'd been moving around the room from one platform to another, like an actor in an awkward college staging of a Bertholdt Brecht play.