The Grand Tour Is Replacing The American Mike Skinner

Now that The American aka Mike Skinner is officially out on The Grand Tour season two, the three hosts are looking for a new driver. Who will it be? Only the universe (and likely the show's executive producers) know.

In a newly released promotional video, we can see the gang sitting at a table. Jeremy Clarkson is tasked with "firing" The American. I feel bad, especially since Mike Skinner is a good dude and a great driver.

Anyway, because the show now needs a new driver to fill in The American's role, it definitely means that they're not getting rid of the track testing segment. The short clip ends with "#NewDriverWanted: Mustn't be fat, clumsy or slow."

This last part was probably a joke because the second season is supposed to air very soon on Dec. 8, which means that they've likely found a driver already.

(h/t to stephenmcknight!)

