Both GM and Chrysler hit the federal jackpot this morning, avoiding the wrath of the Carpocalypse for a little longer. We break down the numbers below the jump.
$13,400,000,000: The amount of money to be handed out from the Troubled Asset Relief Program in the first installment.
$4,000,000,000: The amount of the second installment of TARP funds, if needed.
$9,000,000,000: The amount of "bridge financing" Ford would like to access from non-governmental sources.
500,000: The number of electric vehicles Chrysler intends to put on the road by 2013.
102: The number of days the companies have to turn around their companies so the loans are not called in.
24: The number of new vehicle releases Chrysler promises through 2012.
0: The number of private jets Chrysler and GM are going to be buying because of a requirement.
Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Image