The Viper-Powered Bristol Fighter Is A Super Rare British Gullwing

It's one thing that I found this blue Bristol Fighter in the parking lot of the Festival of Speed, but XCAR's Alex Goy went so far as driving it around in the British countryside! Prepare yourself for some of the classiest gullwing action you'll ever see.

Bristol is one of the weirdest car companies in history, and that's mostly down to its former chairman Tony Crook, a slightly crazy gentleman who ran the show from their Kensington showroom in London for nearly fifty years.

Crook was pretty picky when it came to his customers to say the least, as he refused to sell a Bristol to anybody outside the circle of trust. He also hated the motoring press and kept all his secrets in the showroom's basement for decades with the keys kept right in his pocket.

The Fighter was the last Bristol model before the company folded for good, and nobody seems to know how many of these V10-powered hand-built supercars left the workshop with a real chance of getting a license plate.

The owner of this blue car says nine, and if anyone, he should know.

Bristol will be back under new management soon enough supported by BMW's powertrain technology. That recipe worked out for Morgan rather well, so let's just keep our fingers crossed, because I love these cars.

Photo credit: Máté Petrány/Jalopnik

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