The Best Videos Of The Week

Have you heard that video is a big thing over at Gawker Media? It's true, we watch and post a lot of videos each week. Here are some of the best videos of week, culled from an array of Gawker Media sites.

Minorities Who Wear Hoodies Just Asking to be Shot, Says Geraldo Rivera

This morning on Fox and Friends, an unusually stupid walrus named Geraldo Rivera offered "a different take" on the case of Trayvon Martin, the unarmed black teenager gunned down in the street by a vigilante because he "looked suspicious." Tell us your take, Geraldo: View "

Watch This: U.S. Rep. Frederica Wilson's Heartbreaking and Moving Speech on the Death of Trayvon Martin

"I am tired of burying young Black boys," opens U.S. Representative Frederica Wilson's powerful speech in which she calls for justice in the senseless murder of Trayvon Martin, the 17-year-old boy violently gunned down by George Zimmerman, a self-appointed neighborhood watch captain with a history of racism and battery charges. The rest of her address is equally stirring. View "

Can you name all 13 numerically themed movies in this trippy animation?

Movie fanatic and illustrator Evan Seitz is at it again with his latest movie compilation, 123Films. This one counts to 13 using movie titles – can you named them all? View "

Man Flies Like a Bird Flapping His Own Wings (Update 6)

I'm really amazed by this video, because I always dreamed about doing this. Watch Dutch mechanical engineer Jarno Smeets take off and fly just by flapping wings of his own invention-like a real bird! It's uncanny. View "

How To Be A Dick To Your Wife At 80 MPH

Not everyone is great at math. But this woman trying to explain how many miles you can travel in an hour when driving 80 MPH takes math skills to a new low. Since it's a little sad, it has, predictably, blown up on Facebook overnight. But the mathematically-challenged passenger is not actually the one who sucks here. Nor is she the idiot in this video. It's her jerk of a husband.
View "

Angry Birds Space Slingshots Its Way Into Gaming App of the Day

You've read all about Angry Birds Space in our explainer article, now watch me play it as we officially give Rovio's latest and greatest a nod as our Gaming App of the Day. View "

‘Will the Real Mitt Romney Please Stand Up?' Is an Acceptable Political Rap Parody

It's such a rarity to see one of these mashup, supercut things done well. Watch Hugh Atkin's creation, if not for the line, "the real Mitt Romney's are just masturbating," than to experience the oddly hypnotizing quality of Romney's voice set to Eminem. View"

Warriors Fans Booed Their Owner During Chris Mullin's Jersey Retirement, And It Was So Awkward I Can't Even Watch

Right, so, if you can make it through five minutes of near-constant boos for Warriors co-owner Joe Lacob, as he's attempting to honor Chris Mullin by raising his jersey to the rafters, well, you're great at suppressing your cringe reflex. View "

Here's the Mad Men 8-Bit Choose Your Own Adventure Video That Your Life's Been Missing

Doesn't matter what you choose. What matters is that you do your choosing drunk on scotch. View "

A light-projected ghost tiger runs rampant through Paris

In case there weren't enough spectral big cats running loose in the world's metropolises, French design firm created Le3 this absolutely sublime projection of a tiger loose in the avenues. Woe to be ailurophobic in the City of Lights! View "

Clementi Webcam Peep Breaks Silence: ‘I Never Thought He Would Find Out'

Following his conviction in the webcam spy scandal that preceded gay Rutgers student Tyler Clementi's suicide, Dharun Ravi has broken his silence. "Energized" by the verdict, Ravi plans to fight his conviction. He maintains that he didn't commit a hate crime, and adds that he doesn't think he contributed to Clementi's death. "I was an insignificant part of his life," Ravi tells 20/20's Chris Cuomo in an interview that will air tonight. "That's what's giving me comfort now." View "

Meet The Most Amazing Lotus Exige In The World

It's got a two-stage fueling system comprising rocket fuel and Spaceballs-grade liquid Schwartz. It's been widened by nine inches and lightened to achieve the power-to-weight ratio of a '70s-era Formula One car. It's also got a Group B-inspired twin-charging system that produces quadruple-digit horsepower. It just might be the world's fastest Lotus Exige. View "

Stoner Video Of The Day: Table Tennis Legend Marty Reisman Pings The Pong In Trippy Slo-Mo

You don't even even need to get high to trip out on this. The dashing older gent in the fedora and shades is 82-year-old Marty Reisman, a New York ping pong shark/legend/champ from the old school and what every idiot hipster in Brooklyn aspires to be but NEVER EVER WILL EVEN FUCKING COME CLOSE to being. View "

We Found Love in the Hunger Games

Girl on fire in the light/Now we're fighting side by side/As your arrow flashes by/What it takes to stay alive... It's the way I'm feeling/I just cannot lie/So I've gotta let it show... View "

These 860 Screenshots Tell My Mass Effect 3 Story

One of the reasons I enjoy being a PC gamer is the ease of taking screenshots. Sometimes, many screenshots. It's a hotkey that calls to me with an allure I can't ignore. View "

Katy Perry Desecrates ‘Niggas in Paris'

In today's second edition of "Don't Make That Rap Video," Katy Perry covered Kanye and Jay-Z's "Niggas in Paris" over the weekend. It is obviously horrible, but it did leave us with a fascinating chicken-or-egg question: Did Katy Perry beget Karmin, the white-people-rappin' duo featuring Perry doppelganger Amy Heidemann on vocals, or did Karmin's insufferable covers beget Katy Perry trying to be more like Karmin? View "

