The Best Videos Of The Week
Have you heard that video is a big thing over at Gawker Media? It's true, we watch and post a lot of videos each week. Here are some of the best videos of week, culled from an array of Gawker Media sites.
In My Day Gals Put Aspirin Between Their Knees, and Other Helpful Suggestions From the Contraceptive Debate
Representative Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, refused to allow women to testify at a hearing discussing a new regulation that requires employers and insurers to provide contraception coverage to their employees. View "
Jeremy Lin Hits Game-Winning Three-Pointer With 0.5 Seconds Left
Linsanity lives, as Jeremy Lin (after tying the game with a hoop-and-the-harm three point play) won it for the Knicks with this three, giving him 12 points in the fourth quarter (27 for the game) and the Knicks their sixth straight win View "
The Driver vs. Bicyclist Fight is Way More Violent in England
Urban biking is dangerous, and especially so when drivers are going out their way to decapitate you. This video, taken from a CCTV camera in Bristol, England, shows bus driver Gavin Hill intentionally swerving into cyclist Philip Mead. Mead landed 10 feet away with a broken leg and a fractured wrist, and Hill has reportedly been sentenced to 17 months in jail. View "
Fox 5 New York: "Gary Carter Will Be Remembered As One Of The Elite Pitchers In Baseball History"
WNYW's Adrienne Supino did her best to report on the passing of Gary Carter tonight, but struggled a bit when it came to knowing which position the Hall of Fame catcher played in the majors. It wasn't the first Fox blunder today when it came to Carter's death. View "
I Have Never Seen Anything Like These Tornadoes On the Surface of the Sun
I've seen many sun flares, but I've never seen anything like this video showing several dark plasma tornadoes on the surface of the Sun, captured by the Solar Dynamics Observatory. It's simply mesmerizing and bloody amazing. View "
The Walk Of Shame Shuttle Now Has A Commercial
Our favorite undergrad entrepreneur now has a commercial for her Walk of Shame shuttle service, although she calls it a "mock commercial" – whatever that means. View "
A Clearly Linsane Mike Tyson Curses, Talks About His 3,000 Pigeons During MSG Interview
Mike Tyson was MSG Network's special halftime guest during tonight's broadcast of the Kings-Knicks game, and the interview was about as much of a trainwreck as you'd expect-though interviewer Jill Martin's somewhat to blame (at one point it sounds like she interprets Tyson's answer to "What sports do you like to watch?" as "baseball"). View "
Colin Cowherd's Awkward Interview With Kate Upton Ended Equally-Awkwardly
ESPN radio host Colin Cowherd found himself talking to a dial tone today on The Herd With Colin Cowherd after Sports Illustrated cover model Kate Upton hung up on him following a series of invasive and creepy questions. View "
In Case You Missed It, Amber Riley Killed ‘I Will Always Love You' on Glee Last Night
Glee has become a disappointingly confusing clusterfuck of random ideas fit only for Hate Watching (seriously, I've been unhappy with almost every plotline since The Acafellas broke up) but last night, Mercedes – played by Amber Riley – sang the song Dolly Parton wrote in 1973 and Whitney Houston made megafamous in 1992, "I Will Always Love You." And Amber was sublime. View "
The Purity Bear is Back to Give You Valentine's Day Blue Balls
This Valentine's Day, the hymen enthusiasts behind Day of Purity want to remind you that if you have premarital sex, you will get diseases, get depressed, and most importantly of all, seriously disappoint a talking plush bear that for some reason cannot move its mouth when it talks. View "
Here's What It Looks Like To Accidentally Flip Your Dirtbike While Wearing A Head-Mounted Camera
We don't have a lot of information on this video, other than that it stars someone named "Junior" who pulls a wheelie while riding his Yamaha YZ450F with some buddies and accidentally flips his bike all the way around. "New tires" are blamed, and the GOPRO camera catches everything-including Junior's pained reaction to the crash. View "
Google Thinks This Is the Funniest Video on YouTube
You may have wondered in the past what the funniest video to appear on YouTube is. I bet, whatever criteria you used, you wouldn't choose this one. Which is odd, because according to Google's comedy algorithm, it should have us all in stitches. View "
How To Draw A Volkswagen Beetle With Just Two Ovals
Today's the 40th anniversary of the 15,007,034th Volkswagen Beetle built – the number needed to surpass the former record holder for most produced car – the Model T. It made the Beetle officially the world's best-selling car. As a way to commemorate this event, and because I have a big, obvious soft spot for old Beetles, I made a little video showing you how anyone can draw a Beetle using just two ovals. View "
Mysterious Trailer Teases Unknown Game
I fall for puzzles and mysteries. Put a code in front of me, or a series of entirely unrelated clues, and I will sit there for hours if I have to, attempting to solve it. Even if I end up completely uninterested in the product a puzzle is promoting, I generally leap at the chance to make sense out of vague patterns. View "
John Cleese: Truly Stupid People Will Never Know They Are Stupid
John Cleese is one of the funniest humans ever to grace Earth. From Flying Circus to Fawlty Towers-perhaps the funniest show ever made-to Wanda, this man is the epitome of comedy. Logically, he doesn't disappoint in his replies to YouTube commenters. View "