The Best Videos Of The Week
Have you heard that video is a big thing over at Gawker Media? It's true, we watch and post a lot of videos each week. Here are some of the best videos of week, culled from an array of Gawker Media sites.
Yes, M.I.A. Just Flipped Off The World
Eat your heart out, Janet. View "
Rick Santorum Says Women Aren't Fit for Combat Because They're Just So Emotional
Pretty much every time he opens his mouth, Rick Santorum manages to commit some kind of flagrant foul, but yesterday he really delivered a doozy. View "
Senate Candidate Pete Hoekstra's Racist Super Bowl Ad
Pete Hoekstra, Senate candidate and tweeting disaster Twitter Pete, aired a campaign ad during the Super Bowl targeted at his happily married opponent, Debbie Stabenow. The ad features a Chinese woman biking through a backdrop of rice fields and uh, recognizable music, thanking "Debbie Spenditnow" for giving all the money to "us." View "
Rob Gronkowski Post-Super Bowl Dance Videos Begin To Surface
Yesterday we published photos of Rob Gronkowski and Matt Light mourning their Super Bowl loss by dancing shirtless onstage to LMFAO at the Patriots post-game party. Today brings video, supposedly, of Gronkowski warming up his gimpy ankle before taking the stage with LMFAO. View "
And now, President Obama Playing with a Marshmallow Cannon
Yesterday, President Obama hosted over 100 students at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for the second annual White House Science Fair. Young scientists of all ages showed off projects in subjects ranging from robots, to rocketry, to energy conservation. Fourteen-year-old Joey Hudy even brought an air cannon capable of launching marshmallows upwards of 175 feet. View "
These Mass Effect 3 Videos Make the Wait Until March 6 Feel Like Forever
Mass Effect 3's less than a month away, but that span of time feels like an eternity. The relaunch of the website for BioWare's sci-fi epic isn't helping either. It's sporting videos that tease out elements of the upcoming threequel from multiplayer to narrative. It seems like they're there to help along people new to the series, but die-hard Mass Effect fans might spot some new details in there. View "
How Was No One Killed In This Insane Street Racing Crash?
Last Sunday, two Hondas outside of Tampa, Florida sat side-by-side on the highway, about to start a street race when a drunk driver in a Nissan SUV smashed into one of the racers at speed. Unbelievably, no one was seriously injured. View "
Watch Lana Del Rey's Hunger Games
Presented without comment. Okay, fine, one comment: I love this. View "
‘Do You Wipe Your Own Asshole?' Asks Old Philadelphia Lady Caught In Bus Fight
Philadelphia is full of treasures. Here is an elderly woman ranting against another SEPTA bus passenger in a nearly six minute, uninterrupted stream of swears and insults. View "
"My Husband Can Not Fucking Throw The Ball And Catch The Ball At The Same Time": Gisele Is Pissed At The Patriots' Dropped Passes
This morning, the Patriots are talking dropped passes. Aaron Hernandez had one, Deion Branch had one, but most visibly, Wes Welker was hit in the hands on a long pass that would have extended the Patriots drive with four minutes left. It wasn't the best throw, but it was catchable, and after the game Tom Brady put it was gently as he could: "missed opportunities.. View "
The Dramatic Reenactment of a Tween's Facebook Wall That We've All Been Waiting For
"I get pretty girls all the time and you've never kissed anyone ever so you shut up." This is modern Shakespeare. View "
Watch A Bugatti Veyron Owner Hit 225 MPH On Public Road
When you own a Bugatti Veyron, seven high-speed runs on public roads will take you up to 225 miles an hour. Yes, he gets pulled over and no, we don't know how much his ticket is going to cost him. View "
We Now Have The Will Ferrell Old Milwaukee Super Bowl Ad In HD, Along With More Info About It
This bizarre TV spot for Old Milwaukee beer starring Will Ferrell aired in exactly one TV market last night during the Super Bowl's local ad block at the end of the first half. That market is North Platte, Nebraska, and it's the second-smallest TV market in the country, ranking 209th out of 210. There are 15,180 TV homes in the North Platte market. View "
Baby Bear and Wolf Cub are The Cutest Best Friends You'll Ever See
Lil' Bear, a grizzly, and Tala, a wolf, have been best friends for six years. Better yet, there's video of the besties (beasties?) playing as babies. This might be the cutest thing you'll watch all day. View "
[Image via Shutterstock]