The Best Videos Of The Week
Maybe you were visiting with family all week and couldn't check your favorite Gawker Media sites. Or maybe they're all still around and you could use a distraction. Whatever the case, we've got you covered. Here are some of the best videos we watched during the week that was.
A Riot Over a Two Dollar Waffle Iron Is What the Holidays Are All About
We hope you found some great Black Friday deals today, while avoiding situations like this riot over a two dollar waffle maker at Walmart. This is your reward for waking up and standing in line at three in the morning? View "
What Happens when You Spawn 50 Dragons in Skyrim?
In the PC version of role-playing game Skyrim, there is a string of code which will allow players to spawn dragons. The creatures, as previously mentioned, aren't exactly flying around in huge packs in the game. View "
The 10 Best Videos of Turkeys on the Attack
When taking into account the fact we eat them for Thanksgiving every year, it's not hard to understand why turkeys seem to harbor disdain for people. But just in case you've remained unaware of the phenomenon, here are 10 videos of some angry toms and hens exacting revenge upon us evil carnivores. View "
Taylor Swift And Selena Gomez Rap With Nicki Minaj At The American Music Awards
Okay, so maybe it wasn't as officially-rapping-with-Nicki-Minaj as they would've liked, but if you're at the American Music Awards and you're famous and you're rapping along with the person on stage as if you're just two friends in a Jetta... View "
The Look Of Horror On This Punter's Face Is Priceless
Michigan punter Will Hagerup's muffed attempt to receive a snap in the second half of the Wolverines' battle against rival Ohio State left him mortified—and it's even better when slowed down 20x and set to indie music. View "
Matching Corvettes crash in Thanksgiving stoplight drag race fail
Why, it's two turkeys in a pair of matching Corvettes drag racing across my hometown and wrecking their cars in completely stupid fashion. View "
The Best Four Minutes of Mariah Carey's Return to HSN
Back in July, Mariah Carey made an insane two-hour live appearance on the Home Shopping Network, which I distilled down to the most entertaining four minutes. Well, guess what: she's baaaack! View "
This Creeping Underwater Ice Tornado Kills Everything It Touches
Frozen Planet's cameramen Hugh Miller and Doug Anderson have captured the formation of a brinicle for the first time ever. I didn't know what a brinicle was until I saw this video. View "
Watch Two Women Play Skyrim's Haunting Theme on Violin and Piano
This is Lara and Taylor playing the theme music to The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Lara is the one playing piano and singing, Taylor is the violin player. View "
10 Full Minutes Of Divas Dissing Other Divas
What do Madonna, Janet Jackson, Cher, Lady Gaga, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Celine Dion and J.Lo have to say about each other? View "
Community Has Been Setting Up This Beetlejuice Gag For Three Years
Just how obsessively geeky is NBC's recently shelved sitcom, Community? So much so that they have been sneakily incorporating the name "Beetlejuice" into the script, once per season, for three seasons. View "
Erin Andrews: Drenched
Aggressive Women's Magazine Photographer: ERIN! Hey girl, what's poppin'? Today we're supposed to be snapping you in action at your job at the Baylor-Oklahoma football competition...what is it again, let me see here...SIDELINE REPORTING. View "
J. Lo used a body double for Bronx-themed Fiat ad
Jennifer Lopez and Chrysler may have deceived customers in a Fiat 500 commercial that's essentially about authenticity. Specifically, The Smoking Gun is reporting that instead of using the real Jennifer Lopez in a recent ad for the 500, Fiat used a body double for scenes filmed in her old neighborhood. View "
10 Science Tricks To Make You the Most Interesting Person At Dinner
Every year Richard Wiseman puts together a compilation video of simple, but impressive, science tricks. So if things have gotten a little tense, or a little boring, at dinner today, here's ten surefire ways to liven things up. View "
Watch Sandra Lee Ruin Thanksgiving Dinner with Jimmy Fallon
Even though New York First Mistress Sandra Lee is forever partial to Halloween—if you don't know why, do yourself a favor and click here to find out—she still made time to visit tonight's Late Night and prepare a Thanksgiving meal with Jimmy Fallon. View "
Holy Crap, This Guy Is into Zelda: Skyward Sword
Some of you are playing The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. YouTube user AJLStunts is doing that, and then some. Just... watch. View "
Cat Gives Dog A Mind-Blowing Massage
Sometimes you wake up thinking you're going to have a perfectly fine day, a day in which nothing unusual or particularly remarkable will happen. You might eat some food; View "
Rhode Island NBC I-Team Investigates Dangerous New Game Called "Beer Pong"
What a week for Old People Discoveries: Yesterday, NBC's Providence affiliate launched a special investigative report into the "potential dangers" of a "new game" called beer pong. View "
Watch Justin Bieber Struggle to Name All Seven Continents
Justin Bieber visited the Late Show tonight for a chat with David Letterman. At one point, Bieber noted that he'd been to "every continent." But after being challenged by Letterman to actually name each of them, Bieber was less than successful. View "
How to go 170 mph in a parking lot
The Opel Insignia OPC is the hotted-up version of Opel's big, soft family sedan. Hot translates to 325 hp from a turbocharged 2.8-liter V6, and this is what it's like to drive it flat out-in a parking lot. View "
This Beautiful Stop Motion Toy Story Might Just Break Your Heart
Using stop-motion animation and imagery from Google Maps Street View, director Tony Jenkins provides a look at how a lonely desk toy manages to escape his confined world and take a cross country drive to the Pacific coast. View "
Skyrim Loses All Textures, Looks Like Team Fortress 2
The hosts of this video, HouseholdGamer, call this series of Skyrim tweaks a "Team Fortress 2" mode. I can see the resemblance, but to me, it looks like like a Killer7 mode. It looks this weird because there are no textures. View "
'It's a Food Product, Essentially': Fox News Starts Spinning Pepper Spray Cops
Tonight, Fox News hosts Bill O'Reilly and Megyn Kelly got to talking about a UC Davis police officer's appalling use of pepper spray on nonviolent protesters over the weekend. View "
Now You Can Get Pepper-Sprayed While Shopping
For some people, the horrific footage of pepper-spraying at UC Davis has apparently been an inspiration rather than a deterrent. A woman at a California Walmart allegedly pepper-sprayed her fellow shoppers in order to get the stuff she wanted. View "
Six Year Old Crying Jets Fan Speaks For All Jets Fans, Has A Jerk For A Mom
This video has made the rounds this week, but it hit me in the heart, so I'm posting it. I wish I could say it gets better, kid, but it doesn't. It really doesn't. View "
These Bicycle Wheel Animations Are Only Visible Through a Video Camera
To the naked eye, the intricate paper patterns attached to these bike wheels look like nothing but a blur when it's in motion. But when filmed with a video camera, the limited frame rate reveals omplex animations. View "
Arnold Schwarzenegger's Total Recall DVD Commentary Is the Best Ever
This is me writing the lede to a post that features a video of Arnold Schwarzenegger's DVD commentary for Total Recall. This is me telling you that Schwarzenegger's commentary is literal to the point of hilarity. View "