The Best Videos Of The Week

Maybe you were swamped at the office this week and couldn't check your favorite Gawker Media sites. Or maybe you're about to go back to work and could use one last distraction. Whatever the case, we've got you covered. Here are some of the best videos we watched during the week that was.

24-Hour Dubai Timelapse Is So Beautiful It Seems Unreal

Our friend Gerald Donovan set his camera in front of what the inhabitants of Dubai call "The Center of Now". After watching this video, I completely understand why. View "

Skyrim Now Has Google Street View

The latest Elder Scrolls game hasn't even been out for a week and already hordes of modders are hard at work on the game. While most of the tweaks produced so far as cosmetic, here's one that's not only useful, but beautiful. View "

PolitiChicks Is a Conservative Version of The View from Hell

So, former SNL star (and current loon) Victoria Jackson got together with three of her conservative friends to combat media's liberal bias with a new online talk show called PolitiChicks. View "

Watch two sons reunite their father with his beloved 1965 Chevrolet Impala SS

Although it pains us to say it, sometimes there are things more important in life than cars. Herb Younger is clearly a man familiar with this concept. View "

Watch The World's First Footage Of A Female Brain During Orgasm

Here is the "world's first movie of the female brain as it approaches, experiences and recovers from an orgasm." Watch as the body's most complex organ goes from a quiet red to a scorching hot yellow-white. View "

South Park Is Already Doing Penn State Jokes

Too soon? Watch, decide, and sound off in the comments. View "

Jerry Sandusky and His Teen-Impregnating Lawyer Give an Unbearable Interview

Accused pedophile and former Penn State football coach Jerry Sandusky made a sad attempt at a positive publicity campaign Tuesday with an interview on NBC, accompanied by his lawyer, who impregnated a 16-year-old when he was 49. View "

Driving At 462 MPH Looks Ludicrous From Any Angle

Most of us will never know what it's like to be in the cockpit of a vehicle driving at 462 mph. But the team behind the Speed Demon have given us motoring mortals a tiny idea of what it might be like. View "

A Zelda Rap So Ridiculous It's Amazing

I have always wanted to see Navi get stomped into the ground, not to mention a Link Vs Ganon rap battle. View "

See the updated Top Gear opening Jeremy Clarkson refused

According to a former Top Gear employee the video you see here could have replaced the current credits if Jeremy Clarkson hadn't put a stop to it. View "

David Letterman Grills Herman Cain Over Sexual Harassment Allegations

Herman Cain was on tonight's Late Show, during which a noticeably "I'm not here for this" David Letterman listened to him give rambling half-truth answers to questions about the sexual harassment allegations that have mired his campaign. View "

Heroes Protest Ryan Gosling Losing 'Sexiest Man Alive' Title Outside People Offices

A crowd of Ryan Gosling fans gathered today outside People magazine headquarters to protest the editors' decision to name Bradley Cooper 2011's Sexiest Man Alive. View "

Puppy On Freeway Makes For Most Adorable Police Chase Ever

A puppy-allegedly a Yorkie-escaped from the back of a vehicle that had been a part of a rollover crash on the freeway in Tempe, Ariz., on Wednesday. View "

This Astounding Orbital Time Lapse Will Blow Your Brains Out in Space

OK, that last flyby video from the International Space Station was totally mesmerizing. But, as if the new mission of the space station is to shock earthlings with amazing imagery, here's one that's even better. View "

How a Geek Cracked the Jeopardy! Code

Roger Craig had never been on Jeopardy! before, but by the end of his first day of taping, he'd won five games in a row, the most lucrative day for any contestant in the show's history, including the most lucrative game in the show's history. View "

These Skyrim Launch Celebrities Had No Fucking Clue

Not all of them, but many of them were completely in the dark. Website GamerZone was on hand to talk to the celebs at the Skyrim launch and suss out who was there for Skyrim and who was simply... there. View "

The 2013 Mustang's taillights look better in person

After running that B-Roll earlier, we finally got a chance to check out the 2013 Ford Mustang GT's LED sequential taillights down on the LA Auto Show floor. View "

Elisabeth Hasselbeck And Bill Maher Resume Their Entertaining Feud

The battle between comedian Bill Maher and the View's overly-sensitive Republican talking head/target Elisabeth Hasselbeck wages on, as Maher appeared on the show today. View "

Bill Maher: Elisabeth Hasselbeck 'Had Some Bug Up Her Ass'

Elisabeth Hasselbeck had quite a bone to pick with Bill Maher on The View this morning about a joke he'd told about her months ago, and pick it she did. On tonight's Late Show, Maher responded. View "

The MLS Goal Of The Year Is Incredible For Any League

Remember the name Darlington Nagbe: the Liberian-born, Ohio-raised midfielder was the second overall pick in this year's MLS draft, and scored his first career goal for Portland on this amazing juggle and volley in July. View "

How Did They Install the Most Amazing Window Ever Created By Humankind

The most amazing window ever created by humankind is not on this planet, but floating in space, the most spectacular part of the International Space Station. View "

Battlefield 3's Fabulous Flying Snipers

The Micro Air Vehicle in Battlefield 3 is meant to be used to scout the battlefield, remotely spotting enemies. But in this video it becomes a tiny, mobile flying sniper platform. View "

Stephen Colbert Warns Parents of Teen 'Vodka Tamponing' Epidemic

On tonight's Report, Stephen Colbert used the birth of an intern's child as an opportunity to highlight a recent local news report about how teens are now getting drunk by sticking vodka-soaked tampons up their vaginas/rectums. View "

Fiat's sexy Abarth ad grabs buyers by the stickshift

It's not just that we're getting Europe's hot hatch wonders like the Fiat 500 Abarth, but now the sex-sells ads of Europe are coming over, too. TV advertising may be melting our brains into mush, but so long as Fiat's new spokeslady is the one doing it, we don't really mind. View "

Adorable Small Child May Qualify For Exorcism

In the blink of an eye, this cute little girl turns to the dark side as she knocks over a toy and belts out a sinister laugh. It's precious, in a "Shit, what are we dealing with here?" sort of way. View "

Skateboarding Down a Bobsled Track Looks Like Dangerous Fun

My favorite winter olympic sport is bobsledding. Not because I want to sit in a sled with three other guys and rocket down a track. They don't even get to look up. View "

Jon Stewart Goes Off on Jerry Sandusky

In an unbearable phone interview with Bob Costas on last night's Rock Center, accused Penn State child rapist Jerry Sandusky kinda-sorta denied being sexually attracted to young boys. On tonight's Daily Show, an indignant Jon Stewart unloaded on Sandusky. View "

