The Best Videos Of The Week
Maybe you were swamped at the office this week and couldn't check your favorite Gawker Media sites. Or maybe you're about to go back to work and could use one last distraction. Whatever the case, we've got you covered. Here are some of the best videos we watched during the week that was.
What Microsoft Thinks the Future Will Look Like
Two things. One, we're going to need a lot of hand sanitizer if Microsoft is right about the all-touch-everything future. Two, I'm surprised how much I like Microsoft's vision-it's futuristic, natural and metro-y. View "
Conan O'Brien Thinks Batman's Getting Too Old for This Shit
Batman is Batman, he's not like the Patterson family in For Better or For Worse in which everyone ages real-time. He was created more than 70 years ago and, as this Conan O'Brien sketch from Thursday imagines, he'd be a lot less badass if Batman: View "
The Best Four Minutes of Sandra Lee's Ridiculous Halloween Special
On Sunday, the Food Network aired Sandra's Halloween Wonderland, an hour-long special from Sandra Lee. To say that the program was a train wreck would be a gross understatement. Seriously. View "
The ten best Top Gear Jeremy Clarkson lines... in the world
He might not be as fast as Tanner Foust or as handsome as John Hamm, but he got you and your mom and your mom's mom to start talking about cars. Here are what Jalopnik readers consider to be Clarkson's ten best lines from Top Gear... View "
True Life Really Outdoes Itself With MILF Episode
Last night's True Life: I Have A Hot Mom began with a somber statement from a fifteen-year-old girl: "My name is Tori, and for pretty obvious reasons I'm always being overshadowed by my Mom." Then the camera immediately zooms in on Tori's mother's humongous breasts. View "
A Brief Word From Joe Buck About His Call Last Night
An email exchange very early this morning, regarding Joe Buck's "We will see you tomorrow night" call, video of which (including the one from his father that inspired it) is also included. View "
Salma Hayek Describes Her Life as a Billionaire's Wife
Salma Hayek has kept a relatively low profile since having a child with (and eventually marrying) French billionaire Francois-Henri Pinault, so she had lots to discuss with David Letterman when she stopped by tonight's Late Show to promote her new film. View "
SNL Rips Zuckerberg, HuffPo, and Netflix Real Good
Hulu just dropped a nice little (unaired) gem from SNL, parodying the recent Charlie Rose roundtable tribute to Steve Jobs. But rather than tastelessly poking fun at Jobs, the "guests" are the ones ripped-and for good reason! View "
The Blizzcon 2011 Costume Contest Winner Must Be Seen to Be Believed
In a show filled with people dressed in cardboard copies of World of Warcraft armor a woman dressed up as the Adjutant from Starcraft completely stole the show at last night's Blizzcon 2011 costume contest. View "
Turn your dog into a tank for Halloween
What's a gearhead pet to do on Halloween? There are plenty of choices for people (our favorite being Human Tire Barrier), but it's a little harder for our pets. View "
News Anchor Refuses to Utter Kim Kardashian's Name
Good Day Dallas anchor Tim Ryan hates Kim Kardashian. When her name came up in the show's vaguely rude celebrity birthday segment, he refers to Kim as "she whose name will not be mentioned." He wasn't finished! View "
Jersey Shore Season Five Will Open With Pauly D's Tanning Overdose
MTV has released this clip from Jersey Shore's upcoming season of a red-faced Pauly D, who had tanned so many times in a row that he "burned his face off." View "
The Hilarious Problem of a Siri-Powered Apple HDTV
30 Rock's Jack Donaghy, as played by Alec Baldwin, had the same idea Apple has for their upcoming HDTV: ditch the remote and use your voice to control your TV. Anybody want to take a wild guess as to how that worked out? View "
Where Tokyo Meets Blade Runner
Phew. All this video game stuff, especially Battlefield 3 stuff, is wearing me out. Time to take a few minutes to chill, relax, watch a soothing movie where footage of modern-day Tokyo is played to the accompaniment of the Blade Runner soundtrack. View "
Stephen Colbert Parodies Herman Cain's Bizarre Campaign Ad
Herman Cain released an inexplicable campaign ad on Monday featuring his chief of staff smoking a cigarette. Instead of analyzing the ad on tonight's Report, Stephen Colbert opted instead to parody it with three even more extreme versions. View "
Last Night's Best World Series Highlight: The Fox Logo Shooting Out Of The Umpire's Ass
It's pretty self-explanatory, really. The Fox logo, an umpire's ass and a case of perfectly bad timing. View "
Drunk Driving PSA proves everyone in New Zealand is funnier than you
Have you ever seen a drunk-driving PSA aimed at teens that doesn't condescend to its audience and absolutely nails the humor? Now you have. Apparently they watch Flight of the Conchords in New Zealand, too. View "
Not Even Bravo Andy Can Save Teresa Giudice From Herself
Part two of the Real Housewives of New Jersey reunion was a lot like part one in that it was an hour and fifteen minutes of four people picking apart Teresa Giudice's flaws. But what came next was worse. View "
It's Time to Stop Dressing Up Your Pets for Halloween
According to Wendy Williams and a lady whose parents must be very proud of her for becoming a "pet fashion stylist," it's very trendy and important to dress your dog up for Halloween because there are many events you both should be attending. View "
Conan Knows How We're Really Using Siri
Apple's recent ad highlights the productive ways Siri can be used, like for scheduling meetings, firing off text messages, or reminding you of appointments. But Conan's crack editing team enhanced that ad with a glimpse at how iPhone 4S owners are probably actually putting Siri's infinite wisdom to the test. View "
This Pac-Man Video Proves Children Are the Ultimate Video Game Peripherals
Not only did Nathan and Jen Glemboski use the lure of sweet, puffy marshmallows to lure their child into playing a real-life version of the arcade classic Pac-Man, they then sent the link into a gaming blog for our amusement. View "
Happy Dog Leads Adorable Pitch Invasion
At a Copa Sudamericana (think the Europa League for CONMEBOL), a round of 16 match was interrupted by-OH MAN LOOKIT THAT DOG GO! With Santa Fe up 4-0 on Botafogo, play drew to a halt when-HAHA HE IS SO HAPPY TO RUN IN THE GRASS! View "
South Park Exposes Broadway's Dirty Little Secret
The Book of Mormon is Broadway's hottest ticket, so it seemed fitting that Trey Parker and Matt Stone would come up with a musical-themed episode of South Park this season. They did just that tonight with a story about how going to Broadway musicals encourages women to perform oral sex. View "
Watch Pumpkins Getting Smashed (and Unsmashed) in Super Slow Motion
Sure, it was an iconic band some decades back, but have you ever actually smashed a pumpkin? What about watching them get shattered to bits and put back together at 1000fps? View "
Tina Fey Explains The Meaning Behind Liz Lemon's Middle Name
Liz Lemon – full name: Elizabeth Miervaldis Lemon – has revealed much about her inner-workings to the 30 Rock audience over the years, but even after five seasons has never explained why her middle name is what it is. View "
The ten coolest cars in TV show intros
How else is your TV hero going to crash into all those cardboard boxes, through those panes of glass, or over that explosion other than with some awesome car? View "
Jon Stewart: 'What the Fuck Happened in Oakland?'
Occupy Oakland protesters sparred with gas canister-firing police yesterday, leaving an Iraq War veteran in critical condition. On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart echoed the views of many when he questioned Oakland's handling of the situation. View "