The Best Videos Of The Week

Maybe you were out savoring the last days of summer this week and couldn't check your favorite Gawker Media sites. Or maybe you've just got some free time this afternoon and an itch to catch up on things. Whatever the case, we've got you covered. Here are some of the best videos we watched during the week that was.

Watch a Water Fountain Animate in Real Life

The Bellagio water fountains ain't got nothing on this. This water fountain in Osaka Station, Japan is so amazing that it can tell you the time, draw pictures of leaves, show music notes, spell words and do a ton more. View "

Miss Universe Evening Gowns, For The Classy Crotch Shot

Risqué. Sexy. Fits like a glove! Look at that leg! These were the phrases used to describe the Miss Universe Pageant finalists during the evening gown portion of the competition. View "

Arizona Man Gives the Best Description of a Car Crash Ever

A Phoenix man became trapped on Thursday after losing control of his vehicle. In the process, the driver rear-ended a car driven by George Lindell, who described the events to a local Fox crew in this amazing video that you must watch immediately. View "

See The Anti-iPhone Game That Apple Doesn't Want You To Play

Earlier today, Apple pulled Molleindustria's iPhone game Phone Story from the app store. The game depicts four stages of smartphone production, exposing its ugly truths with a frankness that is designed to make users uncomfortable. View "

Chilling video of deadly Nevada air race crash

A vintage P51 Mustang crashed into spectator seating at the Reno National Air Races earlier today. Reno officials described the aftermath of the crash as a "mass casualty" situation. View "

Here's Sarah Palin Reporting On Glen Rice's Michigan Team Three Months After They Allegedly Humped

Just about three months after her alleged one-night stand with Michigan star player Glen Rice, Sarah Palin (then Sarah Heath) reported on a Wolverines game for Anchorage's KTUU-TV. View "

Kanye West's Failed Pilot Had Kim Kardashian Star Wars Roleplay Fantasy

In 2008, Kanye West loved Comedy Central's Crank Yankers so much, he shot a pilot for a hip-hop puppet variety show, Alligator Boots, but it never made it to air. After watching this, you'll wish it had. Plus: Kim Kardashian as Princess Leia! View "

Enthusiastic Cops In Trouble For Dirty Dancing At Parade

Some NYPD officers were caught on video dirty dancing with revelers at last weekend's West Indian Day Parade. Their moves have sparked controversy. View "

There Is Something Deeply Unsettling about Scotch Tape Moving Like This

Johan Rijpma created this quirky short showing his dancing tape sculpture. At first it's strangely musical. Almost hypnotic. By the end, with all the colors and tones, I was a little unnerved by how trippy it got. View "

I Think I Just Played the Prettiest Game On the PS3

What determines somebody's "best-looking" game on a system is subjective. Some will prefer clean lines, others copious effects. I can do without either if a game just has great art. View "

Watch Serena Williams Go Off on 'Hater' Umpire During US Open Final

Remember when Serena Williams went all Joe Pesci on a line referee at the US Open two years ago? Well, during today's women's final match (which she lost in straight sets to Samantha Stosur), she did it again. View "

Watch the world's greatest drag race

Eleven super cars simultaneously drag racing each other down a quarter-mile of empty airstrip sounds less like reality and more like the product of a car guy's fever dream. View "

The Smoking Babies Of Indonesia

It's been some time since the Smoking Baby went viral, and ABC's 20/20 thought it time to check up on him. In the process, ABC discovered there's not just one Smoking Baby in that neck of the woods. View "

9/11 Stadium Brawl At Jets-Cowboys Game Includes One Fan Zapping People With A Taser

I guess we could assume that the security at MetLife Stadium were so preoccupied with making sure no fan tried to sneak in an umbrella or a laser pointer today that they simply forgot to look for stun guns. View "

Jay Leno Grills Michele Bachmann on Gay Rights

You know how Jay Leno's lips are always firmly planted on his guests' ass cheeks? And how he never challenges their answers to his questions? Well, that changed on Friday night. How so? Two words: Michele Bachmann. View "

Why Does This Car's GPS Mock French People?

Stereotypes: vicious, unfair, and hurtful. And perpetrated by malicious onboard guidance systems like this one, which assumes you're a Francophone just because you make the nasally laugh-moan of a Frenchman cliché. View "

This Incredible Multiplayer Paintball Video is a One-Shot Kill

Paintball has never been quite as exciting as it is seen through the eyes of director Saman Keshavarz in this video, which you'll want to watch at least three times. View "

Eight Years Of Tyra Banks Repeating Herself

On tonight's ANTM: All Stars premiere, Tyra Banks will surely say, "You're still in the running towards becoming America's next top model." Over the last 16 cycles she's said it 100+ times—we have every instance of that here in clip form. View "

One Brave McDonald's Manager Says 'No!' to Coning

Remember coning? It's the dopey video stunt in which people at the McDonald's drive-thru grab their ice cream cone by the ice cream instead of the cone, making a mess and confusing everyone. Hilarious! Well, no more, says this manager. View "

Watch good Samaritans lift a burning BMW off a trapped biker

A 21-year-old Utah man who was trapped under a BMW after his motorcycle collided with it and caught fire is alive thanks to a dozen strangers who lifted the burning car off his body. View "

Here's Ron Jaworski Saying Shit On Monday Night Football (UPDATE: And His Awkward Apology)

We know. We saw too. [h/t Everyone] View "

These Daredevil Bridge Climbers Are Out of Their Bloody Minds

These kids think that climbing the cables of the Moscow Bridge in Kiev is a lot of fun. And they are probably right. I'm freaking out by just looking at the video. View "

Stephen Colbert to Fox News: Nobody Cares About Obama's Paper Clip!

President Obama unveiled the American Jobs Act on Monday. The next day, Fox & Friends ripped Obama for fastening the bill with a "chintzy clip." On tonight's Report, Stephen Colbert delved into "Clip-gate" just to prove how pathetic it was. View "

How To Get To Work, With the Laws of Video Games Dangerously in Full Effect

Readers, please don't try this at home. Let seasoned professionals like YouTube superstar Freddie Wong and crew illustrate the proper way to commute to ones workplace in a bizarre, video game-inspired reality. View "

Snooki Takes Anderson Cooper To The Tanning Salon

On day two of Anderson Cooper's self-titled talk show, Snooki took a bashful Cooper for his first ever spray-on tan. And he stripped! View "

Watch a frightening motorcycle crash from a racer's point of view

In most motorsports, it's almost a cliche to see a crash unfolding from the car behind it. Here's the view of a motorcycle crash that happens so fast you don't see the bike until its in the air by the driver's head. View "

Jon Stewart Jumps on Paul Krugman's 'Exploitation of 9/11' Bandwagon

The NYT's Paul Krugman wrote a piece on 9/11's 10th anniversary arguing that the tragedy's exploitation for political gain tore us apart and make future 9/11s occasions for shame. Jon Stewart made seemingly the same point on Monday's Daily Show. View "

