The Best Videos Of The Week

Maybe you were out preparing for Hurricane Irene and you couldn't check your favorite Gawker Media sites. Or maybe you're in need of a distraction right now, so you don't have to think about the impending storm. Whatever the case, we've got you covered. Here are some of the most amusing and entertaining videos we watched during the week that was.

Up Close and Personal With Razer's Sexy Blade

We were blown away, BLOWN AWAY, by Razer's surprise laptop announcement this morning. In this video Razer walks us through what's so special about their upcoming $2,800 laptop. View "

Shooting Your Sleeping Kid with a Super Soaker While Singing the Doom Theme Song Is a Really Effective Alarm Clock

Filed in things I'm going to do when I'm a dad: when my lazy punk of a son refuses to get out of bed, he's going to get shot with a super soaker. View "

They'll Lose It Live: 16 of the Best On-Air Laughing Fits

On CNN last week, Anderson Cooper fell into a minute-long fit of giggles on live TV over a lame potty joke. But he's not alone! Click through for some of Stephen Colbert's giggliest moments, along with 15 other favorite laughing fits on live TV. View "

Watch a drunk driver crash head-on into a cop car

Saturday was just another day on the job for a sheriff's deputy in Oklahoma and his canine partner – until they were hit head-on by a drunk driver in broad daylight. View "

Years Later, Lion King Movie Bloopers

Even though The Lion King debuted nearly 15 years ago, this animated blooper reel of the voice actors found its way online and is actually worth watching. View "

Are Rugby Brawls More Spectacular Than American Throwdowns?

What we have here is a pair of efficient slobberknockers between NRL sides Melbourne and (appropriately-named) Manly. Injuries, ejections and suspensions galore! View "

Child Bride Clutches Hot Pink Dog, Creepy Old Husband Calls Her 'Iconic'

The May-December freak show of 51-year-old Lost actor Doug Hutchison and 16-year-old bride Courtney Stodden continues. In this interview with an Australian morning show, Courtney and Doug introduce their "family." View "

Pokémon in Minecraft? Hell, Why Not?

Two worlds of obsession collide with this Minecraft mod under development, bringing Pokémon into the game. Ten minutes of gameplay! Learn how to make a Pokéball! View "

Burning Car Explodes Right In Firefighter's Face—but He Shrugs and Keeps Working

In case there was any doubt, here is another proof of the courage of firefighters: watch as this man stands with his hose right next to a blazing car and the car explodes literally on his face. View "

Today I met the track girl I'm gonna marry

There's something extraordinarily sexy about a woman who can handle a car. Especially when they also dream that their plain-Jane-Z4 is really a BMW Z4 GT3 – View "

Watch Jim Carrey's Creepy Video Love Letter to Emma Stone

For reasons unknown-and probably best left unexplained-Jim Carrey took to his new website today with a creepy video love letter to Emma Stone, who at 22 is less than half his age. View "

Inspired By Jim Carrey, Kathy Griffin Makes A Video For Justin Bieber

After being asked by one of her Twitter followers to come up with a response to Jim Carrey's creeptastic video love letter to Emma Stone, Kathy Griffin delivered this. View "

Watch This Braves Fan's Leaping, One-Handed Foul Ball Catch

Poignant, indeed, that the catch reminds the announcers of a receiver-because it's getting to be the end of August, when Atlanta forgets that baseball exists. View "

Everyone Can Hear You Scream at the Aliens: Colonial Marines Debut Trailer

When a handful of Colonial marines face-off against a never-ending swarm of acid-blooded xenomoprhs, the ending is never pretty, and rarely happy. View "

There's a Reason Fox News Keeps Attacking Gawker

Hey look! The good folks on Fox and Friends did a segment on Gawker this morning, for no apparent reason at all, claiming (falsely!) that our traffic is down 75%. View "

Navy SEAL's Dog Mourns His Fallen Friend

Watching this image of Navy SEAL Jon Tumilson's dog guarding his best friend coffin makes me all teary. He's refusing to leave his side, as 1,500 mourners witnessed. View "

Watch a Red Bull F1 car make donuts on an Austin street

To whet Texans' appetite for open-cockpit cars that turn left and right, Red Bull put David Coulthard in its Formula 1 publicity chassis and turned him loose on the streets of Austin. View "

Woman Attacks ATM With Stiletto

Police in Chippenham, England are hunting for a woman who took off her high-heel and hit an ATM almost fifty times after using the machine for several minutes. View "

The Stupidest 15 Seconds of Tonight's Keeping Up With the Kardashians

Tonight: The whole krew took a trip to Bora Bora, but things got off to a rocky start when Kim's now-husband Kris Humphries threw her into the water, causing her to lose a $75,000 diamond earring. Here is how Kim reacted. View "

Team Fortress Meets Minecraft Is "Team Fortcraft"

The latest entry in the "Minecraft meets" series is this "Team Fortcraft", which is Minecraft meets Team Fortress. View "

Here's Video Of Villanova's Basketball Coach Prancing About To A Katy Perry Song

Oh hey, that's Villanova University's head basketball coach Jay Wright letting his colors burst in a flash-mob dance routine set to Katy Perry's "Firework," isn't it? View "

Watch This Guy Drive a F**king Tank Through McDonald's Drive Thru

Do we actually know how FPSRussia-everyone's favorite faux-Russian artillery maniac-isn't constantly arrested for doing things like, oh, driving an armored infantry vehicle with a live .50 caliber machine gun into a McDonald's? View "

Anderson Cooper's Gayest Moments

Anderson Cooper got a lot of attention for erupting in girly little giggles over a poop joke last week during a segment called "The Ridiculist." Not only is this the most entertaining part of Anderson's show, it's where he comes out just about every damn night. View "

If You Tell Dave Franco To Go Fuck Himself, He Will [NSFW]

Not to be outshined by his brother, James, and his habit of making out with himself in a mirror, Dave Franco ups the ante by fucking himself — literally. View "

Watch the Ferrari 458 Italia Spider drop its beautiful top

You've seen the new Ferrari 458 Italia Spider, now watch its retractable roof open, with epic orchestral accompaniment. Simplicity is sexiness. View "

This German Booth Babe Is Judging You

Well, maybe not you, but judging somebody. And it's not just a Gamescom booth companion that's doing the judging, but a news lady and a news announcer. View "

Can Jon Stewart Ask You a Question?

If you've watched The Daily Show regularly over the years, you may have noticed that Jon Stewart has a tendency to ask his guests if he can... ask them a question. View "

