The Best Videos Of The Week
Maybe you were out enjoying the cooler temperatures all week and couldn't check your favorite Gawker Media sites. Or maybe you're about to leave for the weekend and need one last visual fix. Well, whatever the case, we've got you covered. Here are some of the most amusing and entertaining videos we watched during the week that was.
Here's Video Of A Ball Boy Kicking A Mascot In The Groin
During a June 18 baseball affair, somebody had the bright idea to call it "Blue Balls" night. This included Eugene Emeralds mascot "Doug Fir" playing musical chairs with the ball boys, which ended when one of them kicked Doug square in the balls. View "
Putting a Ton of Glowsticks in Blenders Looks Just as Awesome as It Sounds
Crushing glowsticks for their oozy neon contents and spraying it all over the place in a room filled with paint and loud music sounds like a wonderful way to conclude a drug bender. It's also a super yogurt commercial! View "
Lady Gaga Cries, Throws Shoe on So You Think You Can Dance
Lady Gaga was a guest judge on SYTYCD. Naturally, she was over-the-top. Watch Gaga's transformation from blubbering mess, to body language expert, to hip hop historian, to choreography connoisseur, to shoe-throwing self-promoter. View "
How the Stig tried to kill me
It turns out The Stig doesn't like it when you tell him halfway through a hot lap of Top Gear's UK test track, "I think Schumi was faster through here." How do I know? Because I told him just that. The result? He tried to scare me to death. Watch and see for yourself. View "
Cowboys and Pokemon
Forget Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford and Olivia Wilde, this parody has ten times the star power of Cowboys & Aliens. Pikachu, Charmander and Jigglypuff all make cameo's in X-Play's Cowboys & Pokemon. Ash Ketchum has no memory, a price on his head and one question – who's that pokemon? View "
Every Argument Every Couple Has Ever Had, Ever
From the You Think You're So Smart's to the My Mother Was Right About You's, these two actors reenact practically every fight you've ever had with your significant other in a little under two minutes. View "
Look How Crazy Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Is Going to Be!
Bravo has released a trailer for the second season of their hit show Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and it's bizzonkers! I mean, if you're into that sorta thing. If you're into meth and shrieking and dinner party nervous breakdowns. View "
Time Lapse Video Catches a Man Walking Very, Very Slowly
A YouTube user set up a time-lapse video in downtown Los Angeles in hopes of capturing something cool. Instead, he found this guy who weirdly walks at a snail's pace. The video is actually five minutes of real time. Slow rollin'. View "
We Hope This Near-Death Experience Also Marks The Death Of Planking
Please, world, let us be done with planking. It has gone too far. People are now falling off of the top of golf carts and then nearly getting run over by said golf carts. A person has actually died. Soon, our pets' heads will be falling off. View "
A Robot Begins His DDR Odyssey
What are you doing this summer? This dude is having his robot friend Darwin pick up Dance Dance Revolution. Beats cutting grass! View "
The Best Four Minutes of Mariah Carey's Insane HSN Appearance
Mariah Carey hasn't been seen much since giving birth to twins in April, so people were especially curious on Sunday night ahead of her appearance on HSN to hawk everything from her fragrances to her jewelry. And by God, she delivered. View "
The most daring lap of the Nürburgring you'll ever see
The 73 turns of the Nürburgring Nordschleife make up one of the great tests of driver skill. Proving that skill in perfect conditions requires caution; showing it in an open-wheeled car in the rain while taking corners sideways is nearly incomprehensible. View "
Olivia Newton-John's Daughter Releases Bizarre Suicide-Themed Music Video
Chloe Lattanzi, 25-year-old daughter of Olivia Newton-John, is clearly going through a rebellious phase: This video is surely the antithesis of her Mother's portrayal of the squeaky-clean Sandy in Grease. Graphic images ahead. View "
Here's Video Of Two Women In Really Short Shorts Fighting In The Woods
It's not the violence of this video that's offensive, not even when a third fair maiden jumps in and takes her foot to someone's face a couple of times. It's the unladylike profanity that speaks to societal degradation. (Somewhat NSFW) View "
This Lovely Lady Was Kicked Out of Wal-Mart for Wearing a String Bikini
On Sunday, Sandy McMillin visited a Wal-Mart in Eugene, Oregon to buy chips, sour cream and coffee creamer. But since it was 90 degrees outside, she traded her normal ensemble for a turquoise string bikini top and some red shorts. But then... View "
A Look at the Most Insane Restaurant in the World
El Bulli: Cooking in Progress is a documentary about the most insane—and one of the most influential—restaurants in the world, El Bulli, which is closing this month. View "
Glenn Beck, Nazi Germany, Angry Birds, Oh My!
Angry Birds is not just a game. See, the birds are angry because the pigs took their eggs—eggs the birds worked for. Redistribution of eggs, Nazi Germany, and comparing the police to pigs, all in a snippet from Glenn Beck's talk show. View "
How to cook breakfast inside your car
Americans in the throes of one of the hottest summers on record can stop worrying about rising utilities prices. Turn off the stove and start cooking breakfast inside your car. This should be a no-hassle adjustment—well, if you eat breakfast at about 5:00 PM, that is. View "
Researchers Identify Saddest Movie of All Time
Here is the saddest movie ever made, according to science: The Champ, starring Jon Voight. Watch it! A guy dies! In front of his son! After winning the, uh, boxing... trophy! Are you crying? Are you sobbing? View "
Children Get Into Screaming Match Over Their Future Marriage
This makes me thankful for two things: First, that my brother went along when I insisted he stand in for the groom in my stuffed animal bridal party. Second, that there's no video evidence of this to play on a loop during my wedding reception. View "
Watch A Nine-Year-Old Kid Make A Pretty Awesome Catch At Little League Practice
This young man named Jayden makes the type of running-dive catch that gets major leaguers on a slow day's top-plays countdown and lands kids on a top-prospects blog. View "
Does This Video Make You Want to Play Star Wars: The Old Republic?
Now that we've got preorder information and details on the $150 collector's edition, all that's left for BioWare is getting people excited about playing Star Wars: The Old Republic. Does this do it for you? View "
The Russian Version of Jersey Shore Looks Worse Than We Imagined
On August 11, Lifetime will premiere Russian Dolls, about a bunch of unruly Ruskis traipsing around Brighton Beach in Brooklyn. We got our first look at the show today, and unfortunately it looks like it'll be a cheap Jersey Shore ripoff. But with more techno music. And vodka. View "
The Most Amazing But Least Effective Way to Pickpocket Somebody Is to Use Chopsticks
How good are you with chopsticks? Probably good enough to pick up sushi but probably not even close to Miyagi-ing a fly, right? Well check this out, this guy managed to pickpocket a phone with chopsticks. View "
Watch flames shoot from a jetliner's engines mid-flight
A Boeing 737 taking off from Ibiza, Spain heading to Manchester, England, with 186 souls had to divert last week after a minor engine problem, namely fire belching from an engine, recreating for witnesses the opening scenes of Lost. View "
A Ball From Josh Beckett Touches This Child Like Nothing Else Can
Baseballs are the most important thing on earth. It's time we stopped pretending they aren't. And if you need some inspiration to do so, this video will surely do the trick. View "
Jon Stewart Exposes the Absurdity of the Conservative Victim Complex
Jon Stewart brought up the effort by Fox News to push a narrative painting liberals as bullies who do nothing but victimize innocent Christians. Then he played clips of conservatives using bullying tactics against liberals, and it all fell apart. View "