These Are The Best 2023 Hyundai Ioniq 5 Colors, Ranked

Buying a good car in a bad color is almost inexcusable, so let us help you

By now, I think we can all agree that Hyundai's totally-out-of-left-field Ioniq 5 is awesome. It's got a really well-executed retro-futuristic design and does all the things an affordable mainstream modern EV should. People have been buying them like crazy, but I worry because I see a lot of them in the wrong colors.

Luckily, you're not like everyone else. You're better. You're a Jalopnik reader (sorry!), and you are wisely seeking our advice on which Ioniq 5 colors are rad and which are the EV equivalent of wearing skinny jeans in 2023 (Steve DaSilva told me that this is deeply uncool now). Anyway, to business.

#5 - Atlas White

Sure, you can buy your Ioniq 5 in Atlas White — if you want your car to look like a refrigerator. I mean, it's not even a no-cost color. You have to pay $450 for the privilege of having your otherwise rad EV look like an appliance you bought off of Kickstarter but will never receive because the company was a scam.

#4 - Abyss Black

Abyss Black is also a bad color, despite having a suitably metal-sounding name. You lose all of the Ioniq 5's rad character lines and details in black. It looks like a car in Cyberpunk 2077 that's too boring to bother stealing. You can do better.

#3 - Cyber Gray

Ok, so it's not boring white, and it's not anonymous black. It's just-slightly-less-anonymous silver. This is the color you'd get if your deepest, darkest secret was that you once pocketed a small jar of saffron in the grocery store just to feel alive.

#2 - Lucid Blue

Is it weird to anyone else that this color is called Lucid Blue but there's already a company that sells EVs called Lucid? Seems like kind of a power move, if you ask me, just like this color. Sure, it's only the second best, but it tells people that you have opinions on things and that you are acceptable to invite to parties. Is it a great blue? No, but it's the best we have so we'll make do.

#1 - Digital Teal

Well, we have arrived at the top of the mountain, friends. Digital Teal is a dumb name, but it's the best color for the Ioniq 5. It's light enough to show details, it's dark enough to not look like an expensive coffee grinder and they say that geniuses pick green. Are you a genius? Or, at least, are you not especially not a genius? Just get this color. It's a no-cost color too, so what's not to love?

