The Australian Consul's Car Is Perfect

Today we learned that there appears to be a V8 rear-drive Chevy SS representing the Australian government in New York, and that kicks ass on multiple levels.

I dropped the Consulate General's press office an email asking who exactly is behind the wheel of this thing and will update if we hear back. But we can tell from the license plate CXZ0001 ("C" meaning foreign consul and "XZ" indicating Australia) that it is indeed affiliated with the office.

The idea of a professional emissary riding around in this undercover hot rod is awesome. The SS may look like modest mid-sized rental car, but it packs a 415 horsepower engine and is supposed to be able to take five people from stopped to 60 in under five seconds.

And of course, as Chevy SS fans will know, the car has Australian heritage. I mean, more than that really. It is Australian. It's the Holden Commodore SS-V rebadged as a Chevy and exported to America. The Aussies have been keen on high-horsepower V8 family cars for a long time, and this is one of the country's crowing automotive achievements.

As people fond of this car will also already know, it sadly wasn't popular enough to stay in Chevy's lineup so you probably missed your chance to get a good deal on one.

But be that as it may, it's pretty much the ultimate Australian car to be driving in America and seeing one with Aussie consular plates makes me very happy.

Hat tip to Max!

