That Book About Rich Energy And Haas F1 Is Printing Next Week

The saga that started on Jalopnik will be in your hands soon.

After nearly three years of blood, sweat, and tears, Alanis King and I are proud to announce that Racing with Rich Energy: How a Rogue Sponsor Took Formula One for a Ride will be printing and shipping as soon as next week — so if you haven't ordered your copies now, you're probably going to want to soon.

If you want to be one of the first to get your copy, make sure you place your order now! And we do, finally, have shipping information for both our American audiences and our international audiences:

  • American buyers can head to our publisher's website,, to place an order.

  • International buyers can place an order via Amazon.

    In case you missed out on the saga, this book started out as a Jalopnik blog. Alanis and I were tasked to track down the origins of Rich Energy, the title sponsor for the Haas Formula 1 team in 2019, and we published that initial article in April of 2019. Along with other staffers at the time, Alanis and I kept up with the saga as it spiraled into multiple lawsuits and a whole lot of ridiculous tweets before the whole thing imploded just six months into the F1 season. After the story was covered in Drive to Survive, an agent who wanted to know more found our blogs during his Google search, and with that, the germ of the book was born.

    In the years since, we've spoken with former Haas employees, people affiliated with Rich Energy as a company, and other athletes who were sponsored or managed by William Storey. We've tracked down financial statements and lawsuit documents that have to be seen to be believed. And we've also done all the drudge work ourselves: editing, fact checking multiple times, designing a cover, organizing an index, and creating a bibliography. The fact that it's finally about to be here after such a long wait is almost impossible to believe!

    We're very close to hitting a pre-order milestone — and if you're familiar with the book publishing world, the number of pre-orders a book gets is the main way to evaluate that book's success. If you grab a copy now, we would be stoked.

    And for those of you heading to the United States Grand Prix next month — don't forget your copies. Alanis and I will be on site to chat and, if you're so inclined, sign your books!

