Tesla's Reputation In The U.S. Absolutely Tanked In The Last Year
In a recent poll, Tesla now sits between State Farm Insurance and AT&T.
It wasn't that long ago that the average person thought Tesla was an incredible automaker, and Elon Musk was basically Ironman. But things change, and people are starting to realize that Teslas can't actually drive themselves and that Elon sucks. In fact, things are changing fast enough that a recent poll found that Tesla's reputation absolutely tanked over the last year.
The poll in question is from Harris Poll in partnership with Axios and uses nine different categories to measure a company's overall reputation, as well as how it changes year-over-year. And of the 100 companies included, this year, Tesla ranks 62nd, putting it right between State Farm Insurance and AT&T. Last year, Tesla was ranked 12th, meaning it dropped a full 50 spots in the space of a year.
That's also a bigger drop than any other company on the list, including Chrysler, which dropped 22 spots to 67th place. That said, the poll is not all bad news for Tesla's reputation. It's still ranked much higher than BP, Spirit Airlines, Meta, Twitter, Fox and the Trump Organization. So at least there's that. Unless, of course, you're the CEO of Tesla and happen to also own Twitter (97th place in case you're curious).
Toyota was the highest-rated automaker on the list, rising one spot and coming in sixth this year. Additionally, Honda dropped four spots and is now ranked 13th, while Subaru rose four spots, ranked 16th. BMW held steady in 24th place, and Ford jumped up nine spots to take 32nd. General Motors posted an even bigger gain, moving from 52nd to 34th. Volkswagen is also ranked ahead of Tesla and holds steady at 56.
But don't worry, none of this is a concern for Elon. He'll say what he wants, and if it loses Tesla money, so be it.
H/T: CarScoops