Tesla Direct Sales Get The OK In Maryland
While Tesla Motors hasn't had much luck in the great state of Texas
as of late, they did just score a nice win for direct sales in Maryland last night.
Minutes before the gavel closed out Maryland's legislative session, lawmakers passed a bill that allows Tesla to have up to four stores in the state with which to do direct sales. Previously, Tesla stores in Maryland had the same kind of restrictions Texas and other states do — no ordering, no sales talk, no discussion of pricing, and no test drives.
That changes now with the passage of the bill, which after being signed by the governor will take effect on Oct. 1. Tesla's VP of Business Diarmuid O'Connell had this to say:
We would like to specifically thank Delegate Kirill Reznik for authoring and sponsoring the bill, as well as the Maryland Automobile Dealers Association for working with us to support this legislation. This type of legislation can and should serve as an example to other states still blocking free markets, consumer choice, and American innovation.
What's that? Compromise? Different sides working together? Allowing new ideas? What kind of insane place this Maryland must be!
Anyway, congrats on your Teslas, Maryland drivers. And if you're in a P85D, for the love of God, keep that shit under control when you're in Virginia.
Photo credit Shutterstock
Contact the author at patrick@jalopnik.com.