Ten Ways You Can Become A Better Citizen Of The Road

Commuting sucks — here are ten things we all can do to make it better for ourselves, and everyone else.

10.) Give A Thumbs Up To Bad Driving

Put your middle finger down and instead give bad drivers a simple thumbs up to show them the error of their ways. It'll save you from getting angry and make them look ridiculous.

Suggested By: PTLmarketingltd, Photo Credit: Getty Images

9.) Give Good Visual Cues

Since it's a little difficult to talk to drivers in other cars communicate with visual cues. Reader reverberocket is nipping the apex..and gently blowing in it's ear has a good example.

"There's something I do that I've never really heard discussed. If I'm traveling in a line of traffic, cruising along at a decent or expected pace with cars in front and behind me, and the car in front of me brakes unexpectedly (either just slowing down or to stop but not at a light or a sign), I shift slightly to the right, staying in my lane, to help the driver of the car behind me to see what's happening in front of me and understand why I'm hitting my brakes. I feel allowing them to visually get that information helps them to react quicker and frankly, protects my car as well."

Suggested By: reverberocket is nipping the apex..and gently blowing in it's ear, Photo Credit: See-ming Lee

8.) Manage Cell Phone Usage

I'm not about to stand on a pedestal and tell you to never use your phone while driving because that would be ridiculous. Instead, be smart about using your cell phone — use hands free to make phone calls, get a mount if you use it for navigation, and try to limit usage to only what's necessary.

Suggested By: damthisburnershitsux, Photo Credit: Getty Images

7.) Merge Like A Zipper

When two lanes are becoming one, merge like a zipper. One car in the open lane goes then one in the closing lane goes. Simple and effective.

Suggested By: Steve Kuhn, Photo Credit: Tyler

6.) Look Further Down The Road

Keep your eyes up and look further down the road. You'll be able to better anticipate potential accidents and improve the flow of traffic by seeing where people are slowing down.

Suggested By: Auto-Tunned Eli Manning, Photo Credit: FotoSlueth

5.) Use Good Following Distances

In a similar vein, always maintain a good following distance. Not only will you avoid rear-ending someone, you'll increase the flow of traffic. Giving people more room means everyone can move faster and safer.

Suggested By: Ash78, Rock the Slushbox, Photo Credit: Dirk Vorderstraße

4.) Realize Most Everyone Has Somewhere To Be

You may occasionally think you're the only one in a rush on the road, but you're not. Most people on the road have somewhere to be (otherwise they wouldn't be on the road) and that must be respected. Don't cause a traffic jam because you missed your exit.

Suggested By: jvbftw, Photo Credit: Hamed Saber

3.) Public Roads Aren't Racetracks

Hooning is fun! But public roads aren't racetracks so don't drive on them like they are. If you must thrash your car, take it to a track or an autocross.

Suggested By: MinuteRiceChannel, Photo Credit: Radio

2.) Relax

Driving can really test one's patience — there's going to be traffic, moronic drivers/cyclist/pedestrians and plenty of other BS. The best way to mitigate that is to just relax . Repeat after me: "it is what it is."

Suggested By: macanamera, Photo Credit: State Farm

1.) Be Polite

If you're only going to take one suggestion from this list, make it this one. Don't act like you're the most important thing on the road, just be polite. Wave people in, let faster cars pass, and don't get angry at other drivers/pedestrians/cyclists. You'll be happy, and everyone else will be happy too.

Suggested By: MrTheEngineer:EarthRoamer, Photo Credit: Getty Images

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Top Photo Credit: Getty Images

