Tell Us About Your Nightmare Road Trip Companions
Not all friends make good travel buddies, so tell us about some of your nightmare road trip companions
Is there anything better than loading up your gear, friends and all the snacks you could dream of, and hitting the highway? Hours on the road with great people and great music can be a lot of fun. And sometimes, the journey out to the sea, mountains or any new city can be even more rewarding than the destination itself.
But, while a good group of friends can keep the drive entertaining as you cover mile after mile, not all travel buddies are created equal.
Though you may start off your journey as firm friends, that relationship could sour over the course of the expedition. And these road trip ruiners are exactly what we want to hear about today. We want you to tell us all about your nightmare road trip companions.
Maybe your journey started off fine, but a few miles into the trip someone got hit with a bad case of motion sickness. Or perhaps, you didn't vet someone's music choices before they joined you, and now you're stuck listening to the Vengaboys greatest hits on repeat.
There might have been another issue that ruptured the tranquility of the drive. Your companion could have concluded that the best choice of snack to bring was salted peanuts. Or, god help, they may want to spend the whole trip explaining why Nikita Mazepin is actually the greatest of his generation.
There's a whole host of reasons that a person may turn into a torrid traveler, and we're sure you've got some great stories to share. So, whatever your tales of nightmare road trip companions, we want to hear them.
Let us know your worst stories in the comments section below, and we'll round up some of the top responses later on today.