Take A Look Inside Acura's Special NSX Paint Booth

As with most high-dollar super sports cars, Acura offers a variety of premium color paint jobs for the NSX. The standard paint is available in red, black, or white at no additional cost. An upgraded $700 paint comes with an extra coat of clear, available in orange pearl, silver metallic, and white pearl. At the top of the heap, however, is a $6,000 optional "Andaro" paint available in blue pearl and red pearl. Larry Kosilla, being the automotive paint enthusiast that he is, had to get inside the process to understand what made it so great.

For a $6,000 process, you'll want some fancy explanation of why it's worth the money. Acura, to its credit, does not fail in providing that, calling its Andaro paint process a "nano-particle aerospace innovation" which provides a deeper and more pure color on the car. The long and short of it is that this process sprays on multiple additional layers of this nano-particle clear coat for a very thick application of paint that takes a long time from start to finish.  

Based on Larry's paint depth gauge, the Andaro process of painting Acura uses is about twice as thick as the standard no-extra-cost paint. It's the kind of paint you'd see on a trophy-winning hot rod or a concept car. The attention to detail on this high-end paint is something you just don't see on a standard production line. Admittedly there is very little standard about the NSX.

