Someone On Twitter Is Posting The Entire 'Fast And The Furious' Movie One Tweet At A Time
The family that races together watches a two-hour movie two minutes at a time, together.
If you've never watched the original, 2001 classic The Fast and the Furious, now's either your best or worst chance. Some beautiful person has uploaded the entire one hour, 46 minute film in a series of two-minute clips, broken up into 52 tweets. With potentially nobody at Twitter HQ this weekend to put a stop to this blatant disregard for the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, the masterpiece may very well remain online for all to marvel at, free of charge. The way it should be.
It might seem unthinkable that someone's never seen this movie, but I say it with confidence, dear reader, because I know it to be true. I have never seen the first Fast & Furious. My introduction to cinema's greatest anthology began with Fast Five, which I'm willing to bet marked the first for many people, since it was freaking huge. Only earlier this year did I get around to watching Tokyo Drift and let me tell you, I had a great time.
Let's weigh the pros and cons of watching The Fast and the Furious on Twitter. The cons are that 1) you're watching a series of 52 two-minute videos on Twitter, which is annoying and 2) you're probably doing that on your phone, which sucks even harder. As for the pros, 1) you'd be committing to a bit alongside at least a thousand other people in the midst of total chaos and 2) Universal probably doesn't want you to. Enjoy the movie!