Someone Explain What's Going On With This Dude At A Gas Station
I get people make strange choices, but I'm just having trouble with these particular ones
There are really only three reasons why anyone goes to a gas station: you need gas, you need to void your bladder or bowels, or you need to buy a drink or snack or condoms or lighter or some other convenience store item. That's pretty much it. There's a video going around online, though, that shows someone at a gas station for purposes even I can't begin to comprehend.
Now, the version of this video that I encountered was from an Instagram account called "Drunk People Doing Things," and while drunk people do, in fact, do things, I'm not entirely certain this person is drunk.
Here's the video, already, so you can evaluate on your own:
Okay, so, the dude enters a gas station on foot and approaches the pumps. Ordinarily, one would likely want some manner of automobile or at least a can designed to hold fuel for an automobile in this context. But not our Adidas-shirt-wearing pedestrian here.
He very deliberately swaps two of the pump nozzle positions, I guess as some sort of low-level, mean-spirited prank? I mean, it wouldn't really do all that much; you'd slide your card in, push the button for what grade of gas you'd like and then pretty quickly realize that the nozzle in your fuel filler wasn't doing anything.
Then, I guess you'd take a moment to look at the pump and likely quickly figure out the wrong handle was in the slot, then swap in the right one.
So, I guess that was just a low-effort prank? But why even bother? He had to walk to the pump to do it; was that his goal?
The next act, of course, is even stranger. Our puckish ambulator then grabs the windshield squeegee from the filthy bath of glass cleaner/water/grime that it soaks in and proceeds to use it to, um, style his hair?

He then sort of poses defiantly, perhaps knowingly, at the security camera?
Then he leaves: His goals achieved, I suppose.
Perhaps he's someone going through a difficult time or dealing with issues I can't even guess at, in which case, I hope he gets the help he needs. Maybe he's got a beef with the gas station?
Maybe the filthy window-water just gives him the styling solution he desires? But then why the gas pump hose swap?
It's all deeply baffling. If there's some reason or motive here that I'm missing, I'd welcome some input in the comments.
As it is, though, I'm pretty confused.