Six Jewelry Thieves Flee Robbery On A Single Moped In London
Six thieves arrived on three mopeds at a jewelry store in London on Monday night and robbed the place before leaving on a single moped, having abandoned one at the scene and crashed another, according to the Guardian. Six people on a single moped! The escape, somehow, was successful.
Police are on the hunt for the thieves, who carried out what was described as a "smash-and-grab" theft at Mappin & Webb, a London jeweler. It's unknown how much the thieves made off with, but they came wielding bats and machetes and at least one hammer. The whole thing lasted about three minutes, according to the Evening Standard:
Witnesses told how the gang armed with bats, machetes and hammers threatened customers and security guards when they tried to set off the alarm.
Terrified shoppers fled into the flagship Tommy Hilfiger store next door fearing a terrorist attack after encountering the knifemen.
Three accomplices waited outside on revved-up scooters moped holding baseball bats to keep the gang's escape route clear.
It is believe one group was tackled by a security guard forcing them to leave their scooter behind and flee on foot.
Another pair fled in the direction of Oxford Street before their moped hit a woman causing her minor injuries.
Let's return to the key detail here, though: six humans on a single moped. Is this even possible? According to the Evening Standard, maybe not! The police report was based on a single eyewitness description, meaning that the moped could have carried fewer than six humans, and some of them might have fled through other means, like on foot. Maybe six humans briefly attempted to ride on a single moped? I dunno. Either visual is very good.