Sin City's Airport Rejects - Then Approves Of - Heidi Klum's Hotness

In a bit of an ironic advertising controversy, the same city that allows prostitution ads to be handed out on its resort-lined boulevards has rejected some ads from the Sharper Image which show Heidi Klum and her partially clothed, but concealed 41 year-old body. Heidi is apparently too hot for Vegas' McCarran Airport.

The airport has denied permission for the Sharper Image to display ads of Heidi Klum promoting various holiday gifts, I'm not sure how these ads are much different than The Sharper Image had issued a statement, saying:

"We are shocked that the Sharper Image ads featuring Heidi Klum have been banned in Las Vegas — of all places," she said in a statement. "We believe the campaign is tasteful, beautiful, and while sexy, not inappropriate in any way. The reaction to it has been fabulous to date and it is running in all forms of media without any issue."

Apparently, underboob is off limits, which caused the initial rejection of the ad campaign. McCarran Airport spokesman told Yahoo that the airport prohibits: "the showing of the female breast with less than a fully opaque covering or any portion thereof below the nipple."

The Sharper Image's ad firm, Iconix Brand Group submitted new images, and they'll run at the airport from January 3rd through 9th.

Paul Thompson is a aviation journalist with over 13 years of experience working in the airline industry, who maintains the website Flight Club for You can contact Paul to submit story ideas, your own "Plane Porn" photos, and comments regarding this or any other aviation topic via email at You can also follow Flight Club on Twitter: @flightclubnews

