Show Us Your Sad Project Cars
Some project cars just look miserable. They have a sad countenance that makes them incite pity in whoever happens to be driving by. I'm not talking about the primered 1965 Ford Mustang you and your dad are working on. I'm talking about the neglected car you have sitting in your driveway that you'll "get to eventually."
My sad piece of machinery is a 1990 Mazda B2200. I bought it for $1200 off the side of the road a few months ago and it's been sitting in my front yard ever since. I'm still not sure what's wrong with it but maybe I'll get to it soon. Do cars have feelings and are they capable of sadness? If so, I think my poor little Mazda truck would be pretty sad. In fact, I think I'm going to order that missing turn signal light today.
Show us the cars that invoke a feeling of empathy in your inner mechanic.