Show Us Your (Hopefully Non-Ferrari-Mutilating) Car Event Pictures!

It's the weekend! It's summer! You're probably out enjoying yourself, possibly attending a Cars & Coffee where a Ferrari got mutilated by a Mercedes, or some other car events. Show us what you did this weekend!

Did you work on your car? Go to a track? Get up way too early to go look at cars in an abandoned mall's parking lot, like I did? Show us what you've got.

When I wasn't crying over the scarred face of that Ferrari 458 Speciale, I made it to the Morrisville, North Carolina Cars & Coffee, which is one of my favorites in the area because it's right next to an airport and there's a Michael Bay movie moment every ten minutes.

Unfortunately, it was really cloudy so the airplanes weren't easy to spot, and doubly-unfortunately, my camera died after only grabbing a few snaps, so you'll have to make up for it by sharing your pictures, Flickrs, or whatever other sort of media you have, in the comments.

It doesn't have to be from this weekend, as it has been about a month since we've done one of these. Show us anything car related you've been up to.

Here's what I got!

Alright, it's your turn to show us what you've got.

