Sabine Schmitz Leaving Nürburgring, Coming To America

Everyone's favorite Nürburgring Taxi driver, Sabine Schmitz, is coming to America to race in Grand Am Koni Challenge events at New Jersey Motorsport Park and Iowa Speedway. Sitting behind the wheel of a VW GTI race car, Sabine will be filling in for Randy Pobst at APR Motorsport. Sadly, we'll only be graced by her presence for those two races before she flies away back to the fatherland.

So how did they convice her to jump the pond? Well, Schmitz is friends with the folks at APR Motorsport through all the testing the team has done on the Nordschleife, where Sabine is an instructor, BMW 'Ring-taxi driver, and ruling Queen. When Pobst found he couldn't drive in two of the races due to commitments in other racing series, Schmitz was the first choice to sit in. Her response?

"I am really excited to get the chance to race in KONI Challenge, in a German car with Mark White and APR Motorsport. I have spent a lot of time with the APR Motorsport Team, as well as Mark over the years, including spending some time this past spring on the Nordschleife in a GTI race car. We all developed a great amount of respect and friendship for one another and I hope to do a good job for team, as filling Randy Pobst's seat is not easy!"

Anyone want to head out to the track with us?[Axis Of Oversteer]

