S2000 Owner Unlocks The True Power Of VTEC, Gets Point-By From McLaren Senna At Laguna Seca
Perhaps you've been there yourself: You show up to a track day in your affordable, humble sports car, maybe even something that's also your daily, and then the stars align and the universe opens up to shower you with SPEED that lets you blitz a $1 million hypercar.
Or, you know, the owner of said hypercar just points you by, before he passes you later on. That too.
This is what happened to YouTube user and Honda S2000 owner Zygrene, who had a run-in with a McLaren Senna driver at a Laguna Seca track day. For one short, shining moment, his humble S2000 got past a 789 horsepower hypercar.
You can see it about 30 seconds into the video there. In it he narrates his internal reaction, which starts with "How am I closing in on a corner exit?" as his S2000 gains on the McLaren's tail and ends with total shock and surprise as the hypercar points him by with a turn signal.
What happens next is meme gold in the making:
But before you think that his S2000 has sprouted some terrifying, hitherto unknown Super Saiyan-style power and is ready to take on the McLaren's Frieza, know that he realizes the Senna owner is largely taking it easy, perhaps to get his bearings on track. The Senna's pass comes later, around the 2:50 mark, and the S2000's attempts to catch up are as futile as you expect.
VTEC is good. But it has its limits.
He also points out, self-deprecatingly, that at 2,641 pounds the Senna actually weighs around 200 pounds less than his S2000 does. With just a bit more power, you see.
In the video the S2000 owner says the Senna driver, a "super friendly guy" named Phil, just acquired a racing license and was out at Laguna Seca there in his hypercar because he's determined to use it the way it was meant to be used. Good on him too.
It's a fun video, and clearly a good time is being had by all here, regardless of power outputs or price tags. We should all be so lucky to duke it out with a hypercar at our next track day, however briefly.
[H/T r/cars]