Rolls-Royce Says 'Hell Yes' To Summer Pastels
The sun is out and it's hot as can be. It's the middle of the summer and it's warm out. What can cool you off more than some exquisite colors on some of Rolls-Royce's best. Ghost, Wraith, and Dawn; each look better in pastel. Obviously I'd like to have one of each, with the Brooks Brothers pastel golf polo shirt to match. If you're going to Rolls, you'd better Rolls in style.

RR built these three cars for last weekend's Pebble Beach festivities, meant to celebrate the hills awash in the yellow of a super bloom, the coral colored sands of the area, as well as the gorgeous and various blues of the Monterey bay. Regardless of what Rolls says the cars are meant to represent, I say they look totally radical in throwback colors. Each of these would make an equally awesome refrigerator color.

By starting with the "Black Badge" version of each of these cars, Rolls is letting the paint color do all of the work, rather than relying on chrome and brightwork to make the car pop. Dawn Black Badge in Coral Solid. Ghost Black Badge in Light Green Solid. Wraith Black Badge in Semaphore Yellow. Which would you rather have?

I think I'll have the Wraith, please and thank you. That's an excellent yellow. Get it in the good color.