RG33L Mine Resistant Recovery And Maintenance Vehicle
It's not often you get to play around with giant prototype military tow trucks, but then again, you don't get to drive robotic tanks every day either. The RG33L MRRMV is a platform modified version of the now in theater MRAP, or Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle. Basically a big-ass truck with a V-shaped blast force dissipating hull. This particular model is equipped with all the goodies necessary to go out and drag home up to forty tons of disabled vehicle.The extending boom crane can is capable of deadlifting twenty two tons.
The crane isn't the only "weapon" in its dragging-shit-around arsenal – it also has a tilting and telescoping lift and tow bar good for 40 tons, and a 40 ton winch. All of these goodies can be operated wirelessly from ground level or in the cabin with the help of two rear mounted cameras. Just in case you need to do a little on location work, it has a built in Mig welder, a metal cutting system (no details) and a complete array of mechanics tools. Of course, when on site, you'll want to keep things quiet and under control, so there's a standard powered weapons ring mounted up top with a big old machine gun. Getting up in the cab is like going to planet rock for a climb and the doors are tiny so you better be flexible to get in. Once planted though, the cabin is actually pretty roomy. The truck is designed to operate with a crew of two, with two extra jump seats in the back. We went for a spin around the lot and left the pushbutton selected trans in first, so this thing was wailing away with power. A little part of me wanted Matt, the driver, to start bashing through walls just because he could. It was like riding in a full size Tonka truck made of my boyhood dreams. Epic.