Rescuers Swept Away As Flash Flood Engulfs Highway

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Amazingly, everyone made it out alive.

Shane Dukeman recorded this video yesterday, stuck on I-5 about 30 miles north of Las Vegas. You can hear him talking over the radio as another speaker says the waters are alright "so long as we don't see a car floating down 'em." Shane turns his camera back towards the head of the waters.

"Like that?"

A minivan gets caught in the current spreading over the road and one, then two people run after it. One rescuer in a yellow coat is swept away almost immediately, another manages to get to the open door as the van slides towards a dropoff.


While there have been two recorded deaths from the flooding across the Southwest, atrooper with the Nevada Highway Patrol stated that everyone in this video survived with only minor injuries, asCBS News reports in these Facebook comments. Fox 13 in Salt Lake also reports that no deaths were filed by the Nevada Department of Public Safety.