Redesign The Scion Hako Concept - Win Some Scion Hats
To say the Scion Hako Concept went over poorly with the Jalopnik staff would be something of an understatement. Every time we checked the front page we'd recoil in horror as the Hako scrolled past on the screen. It became the generic stake by which other cars were measured. "At least it's not the Hako" was heard more than once. Now, considering the depth of photochopping skill we see from Chrysler here on a daily basis, we're betting you guys can do better than the awkward and boxy "American vintage style" Scion touted at the New York Auto Show.
Instead of being only a contest for Photoshop whiz kids, for this one, we'll be giving bonus points to those who use the crudest software drawing package. If you send us a design using ASCII, you've got a better chance at winning than the guy using MSPaint who has a leg up on the guy using Photoshop. This is not to say the people using P-Shop can't win. Perhaps he or she uses a design completely consisting of a mosaic of kittens duplicated with the stamp tool. Be creative, be inventive, be original, and use curves, heavens knows Scion didn't. Send us your submissions via a post on this thread, or directly to myself at the address on the sidebar by Wednesday of next week. We'll cull the initial entries and let you all vote on the winner, then that lucky artist will see both of those sweet Scion hats arriving by mail for the efforts. Good luck, and may the best crappiest design win.